Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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L. A. and Albany, for Oakite . . . £ Frost Sugar (National Sugar ning Co.) trying out spot tv in ke\ cities. Ten-second spots in ime and late evening slots . . . ania Lighting Products, Div. >vlvania Electric Products, Inc., g heavv on net radio to push its ibulbs. Ninety-seven Sylvania mercials will be heard during ; net shows: NBC News on the r, Monitor, CBS News, Amos and v Music Hall. Gunsmoke, Have Will Travel. Johnny Dollar, tense. The Mitch Miller Show. McNeil's Breakfast Club, ABC *rsonnel moves: Charles W. : helan to new post as merchandis2 manager, of Schick Safety Razor >.. Div. of Eversharp, Inc. He's liner merchandising manager of nerican Weekly . . . Miles Kehoe med marketing head, food and locery products, Hunt-Wesson . . . .obert S. Wheeler from Bovle Midway, household products. Div. of American Home Products, to Corn Products Sales as v.p. and marketing director in charge of new products . . . Steven J. Wadyka from media director, Young & Rubicam, to Pharmco, Inc., Kenilworth. N. J., as assistant to v.p. in charge of advertising . . . George Abrams to J. B. Williams Co. (formerly Pharmaceuticals. Inc.), on product development and company expansion. Advertising awards : Southern California Gas Company, and Southern Counties Gas Company, recipients of Southern California Broadcasters Association recognition award, "for 20 years with the same program on the same station." The program: Evening Concert on radio station KFAC, L.A. AGENCIES AAAA's board chairman, Harry Harding, is taking a dim view of recent publications downgrading the advertising profession. His suggestion: "someone should write a book called, The Proud Persuaders." Admen on the move : David Mathews to head broadcast activities, Fuller & Smith & Ross, L.A. office . . . John E. Stoller from account executive, Rumrill Company, Rochester, to broadcast media manager, that cornpan) . . . Robert C. Howard from General Mills, Minneapolis, to research supervisor, Foote, Cone & Belding. Chicago . . . Donald W. Osten from media supervisor, Gardner Advertising, St. Louis, to account executive, Duncan Hines special baking mixes, P & G, St. Louis . . . Walter H. Johnson Jr. from senior v.p. for marketing, Capital Airlines, to McCann-Erickson as v.p. . . . Lawrence Butner from chief buyer. Albert Frank-Guenther Law, N.Y.C., to manager, Radio and TV Department, that company . . . Gene Taylor from *W NAB LEADER, Fla. Gov. LeRoy Col; (c) meets with policy committee mem,s (l-r) Merrill Lindsay, exec v.p. WSOY ?catur); Clair McCollough, pres.-gen. mgr. |(inman Stas. (Lancaster, Pa.); S. R. Shafexec v.p. WIS, WIS-TV (Columbia, S.C.) jEWERS of TvB's new Videotape recorder .1 (l-r) Blair-TV's Ralph Allrud, Bob Hemm, I nk Martin; Shaun Murphy, national sales k KTVI (St. Louis); Edw. Benedict (N. Y. ( ss mgr. Triangle Stas.; Otto Ohland, i k Denninger, Blair-TV; Norman Cash, pres. ; Edward Shuric STUNT MAN Ted Brown, WMGM (N.Y.) d.j., bids his wife adieu as he climbs aboard 50-foot platform at site of new Americana Hotel. Brown will broadcast aloft from station wagon for an undetermined period. Station is offering prizes to viewers who guess correct length of time criioSiahon WMGMs MAN IN Tffi SKY-TEOBfil. ' !C 'TOW BALI J™