Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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Syndicators are often able to make a success out of a specialty that other distributors and prodneers have overlooked. Thus Official Films is riding the crest of a wave which it itself did much to set in motion: the shorter program segment. Official's three latest entries of this type are Profile and Animal Land, each five minutes, and Do You Remember?, a one minute series. All are now being shown to network prospects, but might possibly be subsequently released for syndication instead. Sales: NTA's post-1948 20th features to WKBW-TV, Buffalo; WFAA-TV, Dallas, and WFLA-TV, Tampa . . . ITC's Canadian office sold Halls of Ivy to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBCj. the fifth program deal to that network this year . . . Sara Lee renews Play of the Week in Chicago . . . CNP's Jim A BILLIONJOLLARS ON A SILVERIPLATTER exactly a gift . . . but it's yours with one simple buy. Buy WSFA-TV and you effectively reach Montgomery and Central-South Alabama . . . where a million people spend over a billion dollars every year. WSFA-TV NBC / ABC MONTGOMERYCHANNEL 12 Backus Show to American TobacJ (BBDOl on WHIO-TV, Dayton, ;q WISH-TV. Indianapolis: Southw Public Service. KSWS-TV, Roswe Y M.: Kerns Bakery on WLAC-T Nashville: and to stations KGM! Honolulu; WDAU-TV, Scrantol Wilkes-Barre; KFBC-TV. Chevenm WJIM-TV, Lansing; KREX-T* Grand Junction, and KID-TV, Idah Falls. More sales: WTVH, Peoria, bougl a package of post-1950 Warner Bra films . . . UAA features to WOR-T^ New York; KHJ. Los Angeles WVEC-TV. Norfolk: WOC-TV, Dai enoort: WRGP-TV. Chattanooga WTVR. Richmond; WTAP-TV. Pari ersburg, W. Va.: WOOD-TV. Grai^ Rapids, and WSIX-TV. NashvilH also UAA Popeve and Warner Broj cartoons to KTLA. Los Angeles) WTOP-TV, Washington: WFAM-Tl] Lafavette: WTRF-TV. Wheeling) WOOD-TV. Grand Rapids, af WTTG. Washington. Programs: Goodson-Todman Pr< ductions signed Howard Erskine t produce and Larry Marks to produc Medical Detectives, a new tv suspens series based on Berton Roueche's n<n els and his stories in the New Yorke magazine. Promotion: NTA is oroviding special Trailer Quiz to stations buy ing its post-1948 20th Centurv Fo: feature film package. Viewers asked to identify forthcoming tv f* leases from glimpses of scenes The American Legion Auxiliary' Golden Mike award went to Ziv-UA' Man and the Challenge. Research: Ziv-UA sales researcher have discovered that the syndicatioi buying pendulum is swinging towan sponsors and away from stations. Thl year, for the first time, sponsors signing the majority of film contract (53%), compared to the last year when stations still did most of the nej ating (51% ) . The rise was attributed to the entrance of national advertised into syndication; they comprise 31^8 of buyers of Case of the Dangeroui Robin currently', compared to virtually nothing when Sea Hunt started] four vears ago. 24 OCTOBER 19601