Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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PUBLIC SERVICE Stations throughout the country have gone presidential-poll happy as never before. The polls varj as to methods: some are phone-ins and others are by card-: some of the phone solicitations are based on carefully devised samples and others are willy-nilly from the phonebook. \t any event it's a game at which anybody can play and it has this likely asset: stimulating actual voting at the polling-place. Advertisers are taking a shine to public service programing: Sponsorship figures of this type of programing, over the past three years, bear this out. according to CBS's John Karol. Quarter-hour sponsored programs on three networks increased like this: • OctoberApril 1957-1958: 357 sponsors • October-April 1958-1959: 475 sponsors • October-April 1959-1960: 569 sponsors This does not include the political coverage of conventions, presidential campaign doings and election returns. Here and there: WMCA, N.Y.C., premiered last weekend, The Time Is \ow, a dramatized study of how one southwestern city integrated peaceful . . . WLAM, Lewiston, Me., received kudos from the local paper with a feature article and photos spotlighting the station's public service program on City Council doings . . . WIL, St. Louis, did its part in fire prevention week by airing special announcements and taking active part in the city's parade . . . KTRK-TV, Houston, telecast Expedition Houston, a historical documentary . . . WFILTV, Philadelphia. KDKA-TV, Pittsburgh, WBZ-TV, Boston. WJZ-TV, Baltimore. KYW-TV, Cleveland, and KPIX, San Francisco, to present University of the Air series, produced by Triangle. More here and there: WIIC, Pit! burgh, giving cash grant of S2.0G to WQED, the local educational station for needed sound-proofing terial . . . WSEN, Baldwins^ \. Y., began a school bus safety ture alerting motorists of cautii areas . . . WLW-D, Cincinnati, quainting area people with out* space mysteries with the prog] Expedition Space. Kudos: WCAU-TV, Philadelphl recipient of certificate for meritorio< public service from the Internal Re enue Service of the U. S. Treasi Department for the program Is Deductible? . . . WCSH-TV, P.« land, recipient of the American Hea Association's 1960 tv award WCCO-TV, Minneapolis-St. IJ news department honored with Radi Television News Directors AssocJ tions top national award . . . WADS Ansonia, Conn., president and gener manager Sydney E. Byrne-, awards honor title Fund Raising PersonalU of the Year by the Connecticut A~s<i ciation of Mental Health. I ADVERTISERS WANTED TO KNOW... THE NUMBER 1 STATION IN THE DES MOINES AREA MARKET! SO . . . ADVERTISERS AND AGENCIES SELECTED THE AREA! THE RESULTS ? IT WAS THE 23 COUNTIES WHICH ADVERTISERS AND AGENCIES DEFINED AS THE DES MOINES MARKET PULSE, INC. MADE THE SURVEY! THE PERIOD COVERED MONDAY TO FRIDAY, JUNE 15-28, 1960 AGAIN WAS RATED CHARLES STONE, General Manager ^^^^^^ ^^T W«»^^*W«f JIM DOWELL, V.P. & Dir. of National Sales ^■■IFIRSTjV>\ I Ikl TUC OO f AIIMTV DES MOINES ADVERTISER AREA FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ON KIOA CONTACT KIOA OR ADAM YOUNG, INC., REPRESENTATIVES SPONSOR • 24 OCTOBER 19<