Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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NEW MARKET RANKING AHEAD? W Adam Young leads drive to revise spot radio market definitions, do away with metro area in rating surveys ^ About 300 agency offices being polled on proposed Advertiser Areas' covering the top 100 metro markets «P%n 11-out effort to abolish the netro area for the purposes of spot radio ratings and set up larger and nore meaningful market areas is now Underway. The drive, if successful, may well urn some established notions about aarket ranking topsy-turvy, not to 'ciention the elation and despair mong station owners who would be reatly affected one way or the other Jy changes in market rank. Spearheading this effort is the |Ldam Young, Inc. rep firm, which I> in the process of polling 300 ageny offices in an effort to pin down exact geographical delineations (by counties) of the top 90-odd spot radio markets. Agencies being polled have received maps of 93 proposed "Advertiser Areas." Along with the maps are questionnaires in which the respondents can indicate which counties they would add or delete from the proposed areas. The end result, the rep firm hopes, will be a broadly based consensus of admen and practical definitions of market areas of "maximum advertiser interest." Though the Advertiser Areas are in the tentative category, it is already evident, despite what changes will be made by the agency panel, that the concept of Advertiser Areas is bound to play havoc with conventional metro area rankings. For example, Des Moines, which is 78th in rank among metro markets (based on total retail sales) , ranks 25th under the proposed Advertiser Area scheme. Other examples: Toledo, 56th in metro rank, 36th in Advertiser Area rank: WilkesBarre-Hazleton, from 83d to 37th; Harrisburg, from 74th to 38th; Salt Lake City, 65th to 39th. Behind the poll lies a number of years of planning and thinking out the problems involved on the part of the Adam Young firm. It is basically a result of a conviction — shared by many — that the Census Bureau-defined metro areas (or Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, as they are now technically called ) were not only artificial definitions for advertising purposes, but basically unsuit ECTION director, •TYPE HOOPLA — Shown discussing Adam Young poll of admen to create new market definitions are (I to r) George Sternberg, servPulse; Frank Boehm, v. p. at Young; Dr. Sydney Roslow, head of Pulse. Envelope with ballots has election-type message urging voting )NSOR • 14 NOVEMBER 1960