Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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WAPI Makes The Headlines ^^^F^rves break: Tune m Give aggedner,veS° Mter Dark „thinfi Broadway Atter v lEE News radio-TV editor «v ROBERT E. ^Eb' ' hooked, and I " t those who are > , voUi *» r. The °e*ot ft* if J»» ?o" ^e-.ul of mean bad to fte ex e;.es become ^e Well, Mr AaQ '„ hut an rvour 01 instead "t . Su cure, of course, but J-?**^ that Lucas is ****%S£ NBC . -r^cas takes magical radio • c;nain filming some bull but ran fox tne ,_^^^ he showed bumped ribstS t— aa^V Bill vnosure, You h««l photo Jim Lucas' popular BROADWAY AFTER DARK is the sort of show people have come to expect from WAPI . . . entertaining, imaginative. It's a typical example of the way WAPI delivers the programs that deliver the audience! REPRESENTED NATIONALLY BY HENRY I. CHRISTAL CO., INC. 50,000 WATTS BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA <s<x»nV SPONSOR • 14 NOVEMBER 1960