Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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! NEWS & IDEA ^ WRAP-UP DABBLIN' IN APPLES during KYW, Cleveland, weelc-long contest are station personalities Swingin' Sweeney (I. center), Tom Griffiths (r. center), awaiting restaurateur Morris Wexler's reaction to housewife's pie. First prize: night out with winner's favorite KYW d.j. ADVERTISERS Hertz System is getting set to break its largest advertising campaign. The expenditure: ST1 ^ million. Spot tv and radio in key markets will be put to work during the expanded 52-week campaign. Minutes, 20"s and eight-second I.D.'s will be used. Norman. Craig & Kummel is the agenc) in the U.S.. Caribbean. Mexico and Hawaii, for Hertz' rent a car. Needham. Loui? & Brorby handles the car and truck leasing advertising. In Hot Springs, last week. Peter W. Allport was named new president of The Association of National Advertisers. Other officers: Roger H. Bolin of Westinghouse Electric, chairman: John Veckly of U. S. Steel, vicechairman. COLORFUL CHARACTER of Bozo the Clown, caught in oil painting by Marjori* Francisco, won her first prize in KRON-TVs special 'Color Bozo the Clown' contest. in, sales secretary \ ■ promotion pulled ■ith Peters, Griffin, Woodwar over 5,000 S.F. entries in om