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Q—How can I get the most for my TV dollar in Eastern Michigan.
Q— Given three pills by a Doctor and told to take one every half-hour, how long would the pills last?
O-Can WNEM-TV sell drugs?
Q— Is it legal in Michigan for i man to marry his widow'.
Q—How many buy-minded TV homes arc scried by WNEMTV.
(Skip) Steloff joins I'I'C. whii h ai quires the properties <>f his Heritage Productions . . . WXYZ-TV, Detroit, video taping Motor City Golf in summer and fall for winter telecast . . . Jayark Films acquired five Cagney Productions feature films and one from Venus Productions for domestic tv and foreign theatrical distribution; titles are "Bugles in the Afternoon." "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye," "Only the \ aliant," "Blood on the Sun" and "Johnn) Come Lately." Jayark also has Operation Escape, a half-hour series, in production in Europe.
Commercials: Milton R. Dubin
promoted to senior v.p. of Filmways . . . Cluett-Peabody (L&N) using the Charlie Chan character in network commercials in Surfside Six and Adventures in Paradise to stress exclusive laundering features of Arrow wash-and-wear shirts.
Cannon appointed midwest division manager of Television Personalities, Inc. . . . David Martin named promotion consultant for two Interstate animated cartoon series, Snip and Snap and Foo Foo . . . Burt Solomon appointed UA trade press representative.
Those stations that have set up community advisory community councils may be interested in what came out of such a cooperative setup in Baltimore.
WBAL-TV-WBAL and its advisory council, after exploring a variety of local interests anent public service, agreed that the more important projects that might be embarked upon were these:
Metropolitanism, the psychological changes of old age, employment of the aged, the recruiting and training of career men in all areas of government, student homework habits and teenage summer employment.
Reports from tv stations show that more and more advertisers are backing up public service programing on the local-level.
A case in point: KPIX, San Fran
A— Take 5! Latest ARB confirms that WNEM-TV is first by far in all of Eastern Michigan.
A— One hour. You take the first, half an hour later you take the second, and at the end of the hour you take the third.
A— Not only can— but does! The 325 Drug Stores in WNEMTV'S 25 county area sold $50,728,000 worth of drugs last year!
A— Not illegal— but impossible! The man would have to be dead to hare a widow.
A— 402,000— with an effective buying income of more than 52,225,000,000.00. A market you can't afford to miss!
21 NOVEMBER 1960