Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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GOING PLAuES! Year-round, round-the-clock, WBBM-TV newsmen are going places. ..and Chicago audiences are seeing people, places and events shaping the destiny of nations. In the past year, reporters Frank Reynolds, Carter Davidson and Fahey Flynn have traveled far and wide -the Congo, Japan, Korea, Formosa, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, England-to score major news breaks which viewers have seen either as one-time news "specials" ("Orient in Ferment;' "Anatomy of a Crisis: 'The New Congo Nation' and 'Africa Marching'"), or as part of WBBM-TV's regular day-in, day-out news coverage. Clearly, Television 2 Chicago goes to great lengths to bring the world closer to home. Which is one reason why WBBM-TV's clear-cut leadership goes on and on... why Nielsen has reported WBBM-TV the number one television station in Chicago for the past 66 consecutive reports! WRRM-TV CBS 0wnec1' Television 2 Chicago