Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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Food, toys, candy, clothing — all youthinspired items plus merchandise for adults get effective exposure in this new WBENTV late-afternoon entertainment package. Youngsters revel in the kiddie acts, circus features and adventure segments. Adults enjoy the nostalgia of seeing big names of a bygone day. From Warners' 2000-plus \ bIg/VIAC I Representatives library of famous featurettes, 210 are professionally integrated into daily programs of interesting variety. THE BIG MAC SHOW can do a big job for you in Western New York. With backto-school planning and holiday promotions coming up, now's the time to make your move. A good place is the BIG MAC Show on Ch. 4 — where your dollars always count for more. WB EN-TV The Buffalo Evening News Station CH. CBS in Buffalo Affiliated with WBEN Radio