Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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RADIO RESULTS MAGAZINES SPONSOR: McCall's Magazine AGENCY: Donahue & Coe Capsule case history: To boost subscription sales of McCalVs magazine in the Washington, D. C, area, WTOP personality Bob Kelly was on the air for three successive Sundays, 8:15 to 12 noon, pitching 16 issues for two dollars. Results: 661 new subscriptions. Total cost to McCalVs was only $378. With this kind of success, it bought a second schedule on Kelly's Sunday show for eight weeks, using 12 announcements per show. This time Kelly's selling brought 1,305 subscriptions, with phone calls and mail coming not only from the Washington. D. C. area, but from as far as Jacksonville, Fla., upstate New York, and parts of West Virginia. Even weeks after each schedule, requests for subscriptions continued. Total direct sales from the two campaign on the Kelly show was 1,966 and McCall's reported that it was one of its most successful promotions from every standpoint. The outstanding number of WTOP orders reduced the cost-per-subscription for the schedules to only 68 cents. WTOP, Washington, D. C. Announcements MUSIC STORES SPONSOR: Walker's Music Store AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: Walker's Music Store, Omaha, which sells records, radios and phonographs, placed a two-day weekend schedule on KBON to promote its record department. No other radio advertising was used. Schedule was for twenty 30-second spots on Friday, 15 on Saturday. Spots pitched a sale on all long-playing albums at $3.09, and a 45 r.p.m. single record or album for one cent when purchased with another single record or album at regular price. Results: Over 1,200 customers bought records in the store the first day alone, and total sales increased many times over a normal weekend not only on records, but on radios and phonographs as well. "For the purpose of planning future promotions we tried, as best as we could, to measure advertising," Store owner Jack Walker reported. "We'd say seven out of 10 people heard about the sale on radio. Certainly the bulk of our advertising budget will go to KBON in the future. We know how effectively it reaches Omaha." KBON, Omaha Announcements SPONSOR • 26 DECEMBER 1960 OFFICE EQUIPMENT SPONSOR: Branham's, Inc. AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: Last October, Branham's, Inc., which sells office equipment in Oklahoma City, bought a schedule of four announcements per day, Monday through Saturday, on KTOK. Since Branham's sought a special audience, it was decided to use a gimmick to build interest. Each spot mentioned the names of three sales people who were old employees and who were well known to customers over the years. Psychology behind the campaign was to attract the attention of old customers who had not visited the store in recent years as well as new customers in a business where personalized service is important. The radio spots would also serve as a good reminder to active customers. Results: Don Branham reported that "our October volume increased 30% over the year before, and fully two carloads of steel files were sold from our store because of the KTOK schedule. In addition, the campaign served to boost our salesmen's prestige as well as their morale." KTOK, Oklahoma City Announcements REAL ESTATE SPONSOR: Best Trailer Coach Co., Inc. AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: The mobile home industry has made marked inroads in the American economy over the past few years, especially in the West and South. In the South, the Best Trailer Coach Co., Inc., the largest distributor of trailer coaches there, used radio to promote a grand opening in Houston. The coach company purchased a schedule of announcements on KXYZ to promote its weekend opening. It was the first time in the mobile home industry that such an event was held. Best reported an overwhelming response, which the company credited "directly to the medium of radio, and especiallv KXYZ." Potential customers came in from Baytown, Anahuc. Conroe. Freeport. La Porte, and the Richmond-Rosenberg area. An estimated 7.000 to 8,000 people attended the opening. Of importance to Best was the fact that not only did the general public attend but also the trailer buvers. "It was a terrific asset to us and the industry. No other medium could have produced these results." KXYZ. Houston Announcements