Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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RADIO RESULTS REAL ESTATE SPONSOR: Blue Ridge Shores, Inc. AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: To sell lakefront lots ranging in price from $2,000 to $12,000 per does not require a mammoth advertising campaign. Blue Ridge Shores, Inc. of Louisa, Va., a subsidiary of American Realty Co. of Springfield, Mass., accomplishes it with an average of three oneminute spot announcements per week on WSVA, Harrisonburg, Va. The realty firm utilizes no other radio in the area. In the 12 weeks Blue Ridge has been on WSVA it is already 50% sold out. The company originally estimated it would take at least three years to sell the entire tract. WSVA has not only brought people to Lake Louisa from nearby towns, but the majority drive from Harrisonburg more than 60 miles distant. Blue Ridge queries each customer as to where he heard of Lake Louisa. Although figures are not available, only the medium receiving the greater number of replies retains the account. Blue Ridge has purchased a schedule using the same spots to run for the rest of 1960. WSVA, Harrisonburg Announcements REAL ESTATE SPONSOR: Terry Corp. AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: The Terry Corp., having completed eight model homes for its real estate development in the Tidewater, Virginia, area, decided to bring it to the attention of the people in this area with an advertising campaign on WAVY of Norfolk. Since the one important factor in selling homes is getting people to look, it required big exposure. WAVY came up with an advertising campaign that delivered just that. On opening day people came not only from the immediate area but from distant points to examine the homes. A careful check on the number of people was made by the Terry Corp., and there were over 5,000. Also important to the Terry people was that WAVY attracted a caliber of people that had the money to buy and were not just window shopping. Usually openings of real estate developments bring more viewers than buyers, but WAVY produced a high percentage of sales for them. Terry placed the remainder of its campaign with WAVY. WAVY, Norfolk Announcements REAL ESTATE SPONSOR: Carl J. Grant Realty Co. AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: Boone Nevin of WHBQ says, "When within two hours after a commercial is heard the advertiser closes a sale for $25,000, it's almost like instant sales." Actually, it comes pretty close to being just that. The Carl J. Grant Realty Co. of Memphis decided to concentrate all its radio effort on Sunday in order to bring buyers into its subdivision just outside the city. Grant placed a schedule of 10 one-minute e.t.'s on WHBQ exclusively. Said Nevin, "'After the first spot on the Jack Darnell Big Time Show, a car bearing Mississippi plates drove up to the model home. 'I lie potential customer had just transferred to Memphis. While <lri\ing in on Highwa] 61 with his family he heard the spol and drove directly to the development, signed the contract, toured the development and deposited a binder. Ml this in two hours. The firm feels the $25,000 sale was well worth the cost of the spot: under $10. Where other media, with larger budgets, failed, radio delivered immediately. WHBQ. Memphis Announcements RESTAURANTS SPONSOR: Vonachen's Junction AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: Vonachen's Junction, a prestige restaurant in Peoria, Illinois, nationally known for its railroad motif, has capitalized for the third consecutive year on the popularity of sports in central Illinois. The restaurant purchased fifteen 10-minute preview programs of local high school football broadcasts over WIRL, Peoria. The broadcasts were spread over a two-month period. Following the first preview program, Vonachen noted a marked number of customers who came to the restaurant and commented on the WIRL programs. At the conclusion of the 15 Broadcasts, the restaurant reported that "never have we received so many compliments nor had so many people tell us about the programs. Although we do not have a heavy advertising schedule during the year, these WIRL football preview shows really paid off." Proof of the result and interest and its good sponsor identification is demonstrated by the fact that Vonachen's has reserved the show for next year. WIRL, Peoria Programs SPONSOR • 26 DECEMBER 1960