Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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RADIO RESULTS SHOPPING CENTERS SPONSOR: 163rd St. Shopping Center AGENCY: A. I. Saltzman Capsule case history: The 163rd Street Shopping Center of Miami wanted a promotion that would attract virtually the entire buying population of the area, and the A. I. Saltzman Agency and WQAM gave it exactly that. All WQAM's d.j.'s broadcast remote from a booth in the Center in an around-the-clock "Wake-A-Thon." There was no set length for the broadcast and the d.j.'s competed in prizes for the one who could stay on the air the longest. The listener who guessed the total number of hours the d.j.'s would broadcast from the booth won a vacation in Jamaica, and over 5,000 went to the Center's stores for entries. Schedules were purchased individually by the merchants to announce the promotion— about 20 spots per day for five days prior and two days after it began. Results: More people than the Center had ever seen came to see the d.j.'s and shopped in the stores. The "Wake-A-Thon" lasted five full days — and produced one of the Center's all-time highs in business volume. WQAM, Miami Announcements & Special Broadcast SHOPPING CENTERS SPONSOR: One Stop Shopping Center AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: A Northwest Kansas retailer won a citation from the Kansas Association of Radio Broadcasters for the most outstanding single radio campaign. The newly won radio account, Williams Brothers' One Stop Shopping Center of Atwood, Kansas, retailers in food, wearing apparel, and hardware, decided to consolidate their three-store segments under one roof. In an effort to promote the reorganization and create store traffic, Williams Brothers purchased a heavy schedule on KXXX, Colby, Kansas, to run prior to their three-day grand opening. As part of the situation campaign the store arranged for a special half hour remote program from One Stop featuring the singing team of Doc & Esther. "This is the greatest number of people I have ever had in my store at any one time," said Glenn Williams, manager for the shopping group. "We did more business during the three-day grand opening than in any comparable month a year ago. KXXX was exactly the impact we needed." KXXX, Colby Announcements SPONSOR • 26 DECEMBER 1960 TOYS SPONSOR: A. B. Charles Hobby Shop AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: A. B. Charles Hobby Shop purchased a schedule of 14 one-minute announcements on WCAE. To create interest and merchandise the campaign, WCAE officers suggested a contest that had never been tried in Pittsburgh. The idea was to capitalize on the common complaint of children at Christmastime of "Why can't I play with my electric train like my Dad does?" To combat Junior's problem, WCAE's contest gave away electric trains at Christmas to five lucky dads. Using a series of teaser announcements, d.j. Tommy Shafer invited listeners to "Give Dad his own electric train for Christmas — nominate your dad. Response was far greater than both WCAE and the hobby shop expected. In only three weeks' time, and in the midst of busy holiday preparations, 5,304 nominations were received. Sales-wise, store business increased manyfold over the previous year. "I've never spent so little for such a great return," owner Ed Charles told the station. WCAE, Pittsburgh Announcements TV SETS SPONSOR: Knapp T.V., Atlanta, Ga. AGENCY: Direct Capsule case history: Knapp TV. sells only tv sets, no other appliances. Radio has been the only medium which has consistently been building store traffic and producing results. Saturday, 26 Nov., was probably the fastest sell to date as a result of its radio schedule which is carried exclusively on WAKE. An Atlanta resident driving hack from the Tech-Georgia game with his family was tuned in to 1340 k.c. He heard a Knapp T.V. commercial featuring a special color tv promotion guaranteeing delivery and installation by 9 p.m. that night. The listener drove directly to the Knapp store. Time elapsed between announcement and actual $795 sale: 18 minutes. Knapp's continuing three-year success with radio can be attributed in no small way to the annual character voices which WAKE produces. Knapp T.V., as a result of the WAKE. Atlanta, success, recently opened a Birmingham store. Exclusive medium being used in the market, with equal results: radio l WYBE'l . WAKE. Atlanta Announcements