Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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RADIO BASICS AM & FM You'll find comprehensive data on in and out of home listening, SPOT and network trends, set production, seasonal changes, hour by hour patterns and the unique and growing auto audience. It should be on every desk of every one in your shop who is in any way involved in the purchase of radio time. They're so reasonably priced you just can't afford to be without them. ORDER YOUR REPRINTS NOW FILL COUPON WE LL BILL YOU LATER Price Schedule 1 to 10 40 cents each 50 to 100 100 to 500 500 or more 15 cents each ■SPONSOR READER SERVICE • radio basics ■ 40 E. 49th Street, N.Y. 17, N.Y. NAME.. FIRM... National and regional buys in work now or recently completed SPOT DUYS TV BUYS Standard Brands Inc., New York: Going into approximately 45 markets with schedules for Instant and Regular Chase & Sanborn coffees. Runs are for 13 weeks, with a two or four week hiatus in some markets in March, using day and night 60's, 20's and I.D.'s. Buyer: Helen Davis. Agency: J. Walter Thompson Co., New York. Scott Paper Co., Chester, Pa.: Twenty-four markets get schedules on Soft Weve bathroom tissue in January. Late and early evening minutes are being bought for 13 weeks, five to eight per week per market. Buyer: Marie Barbato. Agency: J. Walter Thompson. N. Y. General Foods Corp., Jell-0 Div., White Plains, N. Y.: Extending current schedules of day 60's to run up until Spring, in about 50 markets. At the same time, it is switching its commercials from live to film. Buyer: Peter Scott. Agency: Foote, Cone & Belding, New ^ ork. Simon ir Co., Chicago: Placements on its waxes begin late this month in reportedly 45 markets. Ten-week schedules are for day and night minutes. Buyer: Peter Van Steeden. Agency: DancerFitzgerald-Sample, New York. Colgate-Palmolive Co., New York: Schedules for Halo shampoo start 3 January in about 100 markets. Prime time I.D.'s are lined up for 52 weeks, three to five per week per market. Buyer: Bob Lazatera. Agency: D'Arcy Adv. Co., New York. Pepsodent Div., Lever Bros Co., New York: Campaign for Stripe toothpaste begins in January in about 25 markets. Most placements are for 13 weeks, day and late night minutes and 20's. Buyer: Frank Marshall. Agency: J. Walter Thompson Co., New York. Continental Baking Co., Inc., Rye, N. Y.: New activity on Hostess Cup Cakes with a number of top markets lined up for 52 weeks. Davtime minutes and 20's are set to start early January. Buyer: Art Goldstein. Agency: Ted Bates & Co., New York. RADIO BUYS Canon Mills, Inc., New York: Its White Sale promotion starts 26 December in about 15 markets. Day 30's and 20's will be scheduled for two weeks. Buyer: Derrick Dyatt. Agency: N. W. Ayer & Son, Philadelphia. Clenbrook Laboratories, Div. of Sterling Drug Inc., New York: Campho-Phenique schedules begin early January in selective markets. Placements are for 52 weeks, light frequencies of day and traffic minutes. Buyer: Bob Hall. Agency: Thompson-Koch Co., New York. SPONSOR • 26 DECEMBER 1960