Sponsor (Jan-Mar 1961)

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AT WJR significance, il anj . the \\ .1 1! expel i ence has for the medium ;is a whole. Here arc the findings. Financial. WJR, For years a mainsta\ (»f the CBS Kadin network, was reportedl) one "I the highest paid network affiliates. Worth Kramer acknowledges thai at one time WJR's network income exceeded $1 million annuall) . During the middle and late 50's however, this income dwindled steadil\ and l>\ 1().">:: was less than 30% of 1950 totals. In 1957, \\ .11! reported to stockholders total radio sales of $3,570,000. In L958 sales had dropped to $3,275,000, including $170,000 sales volume from The Goodwill Inc. television propert) WJRT, Flint, which began operation in October 1(>">!'>. For 1959 radio and t\ sales totaled $3,966,000, and though the annual report did not break down radio and t\ income, it did note that radio sales wen up over the L958 level of approximatel) $3,100,000, even though for the first five months of L959 when WJR still had it CBS affiliation, there had been a sharp decline. Coming into 1960, therefore, WJR was racking u|> radio sales at the rate of well over $3 million yearly. Last week. Kramer indicated to SPONSOR that I960 radio -alewould be "better than i;\ above 1959." (This compares with an estimated industry increase of approximately 1' < . i Clearly, in terms of time sale WJR had met I960's challenges. But the real significance of the WJR stor) is probabl) to be found in its highly unorthodox programing and sales policies, and in the unusual prestige position it enjoys in the Detroit and Great Lakes area. Programing. I'.ven a quick glance at a WJR program schedule shows vast differences between it and the usual radio fare. WJR program director Reg Merridew sums up these differences as 1 I live programing, 2' WORTH KRAMER (r) president of WJR, The Goodwill Station Inc., has held many important civic and industry posts, including chmn. NAB Standards & Practices Comm. SPONSOR 23 JANUARY 1961