Sponsor (Jan-Mar 1961)

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'S«Hmt': S|n<t T* I'. !; ISouroe Network ia \ B ui .. Ii ised b: i B The figures for French's instant potatoes could go as high as $2,250,000 when the final quarter is added to the 1960 totals, as a major campaign on both spot and network tv was started in September and ran through December. All others except Borden's indicate greater tv expenditures throughout 1961 iiniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim What the five major instant potato brands spent in tv First 9 nios. I960 Spot" Network' R. T, French $1,867,678 1,807,830 59,848 General Poods 829,666 740,870 88,796 Pillsbury 378,342 74,510 303,832 General Mills 356,677 278,930 77,747 Borden's 1959 Total Spot' Network : $2,143,732 1,095,780 1.047,952 760,253 739,800 20,453 186,993 163,580 23,413 239,261 239,261 1,000,500 1,000,500 as of utmost importance to appetiteppeal, and that's what we arc selling. ol that appetite-appeal is nol possile on tv," he explained. "The cake axes have proved it is. Aii imporint consideration was thai with all f our competitors on television, we tight stand out more in another tedium. If the market pets l>i» tough," he added, "we'll probably e back on tele\ ision." French's early lead, which it has Id. stems to a large extent from te company's pioneering efforts in leveloping the product. The original lea ol marketing instant potatoes to msumers was spawned in England, here French's overseas affiliate, eckitt and Colman, in cooperation ith Cambridge University and the ritish government, had done basic search. \s a result. British servicemen were '•warded with a much more enjoy>le type of condensed potato than eir American counterparts during orld War II; it was dehydrated inead of condensed. For consumer c. however, the product had to be inform in quality, quick and easy prepare, and contain the same utritional content and flavor as the IW product. The first test of the British-devel oped consumer product was made in the I . S.. where the French people felt that consumers would be more apt to try something new. Rochestei i location of the original French potato plant) and other medium-size cities were tested. Distribution was supported by limited advertising, and the product began to sell moderately. After five years of "moderate to slow sales, French made some radical improvements, according to a company spokesman. "The major discovery was thai Idaho potatoes were better For instant potatoes, so we opened a plant in Sherry, Idaho." From 1951 through 1953, distribution started to approach the national level. In 1954. the product was prematurely introduced in the South the climate spoiled the mix. \ new foil was developed to keep it from going -our. the mix was modified. and it was reintroduced with the help of a spot t\ campaign. It became a success. Plant expansion was the orde of the day throughout 1955-56, and in 1957 the product pained national distribution. "We put most of our faith in tv." said the French executive, "and it did and is still doing — a marvelous job for us." Dewey Yeager, French account 'OXSOK 6 FFBRIARY 1961 representative al J. \\ alter I hompson, agreed, adding thai "although other media have been tried in the past, sales results came with television. French's has used tv in every state and plan to expand acti\ it\ in t\ during 1961. Network coverage includes 9595 of television homes (179 stations in all 1. And .">()' , of all t\ home have been exposed t" oui -p"i campaigns." W hen introducing the potatoes, Yeager said, the Thompson people had expeited their acceptance to run along the same lines as thai ol instant coffee. "The analysis proved correct, he added. "Like instant coffee they went through the Stages of technical development and gradual con-umei acceptance and then exploded into a multi-million dollar business. Instanl potatoes are now well past the developing Stage and have heen taken into a large share ol Vmerican home-. Genera] Mill introduced it "Betty Crocker" instant mashed potatoes two years ago with 8095 of the ad funds going to four-color and print. 20' ! t" television. It agency, Knox Reeves, Minneapolis, was taking advantage ol tv ability to demonstrate the product 1 "IV meat pin i movement." {Please turn to /x/ire 53) r.