Sponsor (Jan-Mar 1961)

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ledia and account levels at agencies of Detroit-made autos -IDIA EXECUTIVES ACCOUNT PERSONNEL TIMEBUYER ithom (.. De Pierro, v.p., media; tint! I.. Terry, media director, ■troit John F, I [em \ . 1 r., ?.p. <S. account ex© utive Rolland J. Van Emmerik, assoc. media dir.; Warner R. Kutsche, timebuyer •II Oberholtzer, media superkor, Chicago; Leonard Hyde, eilia supervisor, Detroit R \4aynard, media director J. II einrich, media supervisor; It. Nance, media director Burrows, media director: >ln it Hon en, media supervisor Struther K. ■ • 1 1 \ . account executive, Chicago; Robert Leonhard, account executive, Detroit Don Foote, Ed Singlyn, I <>«■ Seregny, account executives John McKee, .1 1 .. account supei v i^w Louis T. Hagopian, account supervisor; Robert Jamrozy, media acct. executive Don Carlson C. A. Nixon W. B. Crouse Donald Heller, in charge; Mrs. Billie Farren, dealer assn., buying >h Bachman, media director; es I. nee, media planner P. (.. Fry, executive v.p.; It. aid it in. media director; Jack ,e\. tisst. media director; Cliff ion, media director, Del. Franklin R. Thomas supen i-or St account David Gillespie, account supervisor; Robert Fllis. account executive; Douglas Keyes, account executive, Comet Harold Veltman, group head; Ruth Jones, supervisor, broadcast buying Robert Morton, N.Y., Al Yagley /.mi I/. Taeger, v.p. >.\.' media lector ; H . J. Davis, media imager; James Hrien, assistant i dia manager, Detroit ' \arles Campbell, media director; v Reese, media director \rl Georgi Jr., media director; H. Crooker, Jr., broadcast supI is or II acker, v.p., director of dia ' arles Campbell, media direcl\a\ Reese, media director E. \l. Muloch, Jr., v.p. & account director; Charles 1'. Flynn. John C. Vivian, account executives Lee Hansen, broadcast supervisor; Bob Field, account executive Colin Campbell, account supervisor; .1. L. Thornhill, account executive Sheldon Mover, senior vice president. account supervisor; Val Corradi, senior v.p.. account executive Jim Graham, account super\i-or: Colin John, account executive Judy Anderson Marv Megison R. E. Fischer, time supervisor Jack Walsh, chief timebuyer; Richard Hoffman & Bill Cullingford, timebuyers Dick Sheppard link (>//. media director Kiank Weber, account supervisor; Gordon Baird, account executive Richard Hassell ■nniinuiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir: i i ' SPONSOR • () FEBRl \KY 196] 1 ;