Sponsor (Jan-Mar 1961)

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v. TAKE NINE > Take a break. Take coffee, tea, milk or Martini — but also take nine digits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.* Make them total 100 by placing arithmetical signs among them. Stumbling blocks, just to make the break longer: Don't alter the order. Do it with the least possible number of signs, using the fewest pen or pencil strokes. ( If you use brackets, count the brackets as one sign but two strokes; a minus sign is one stroke — and one sign, of course; a plus sign is two strokes; a division sign is three strokes.) After you prove your ability to buy the solution at minimum signand-strokc cost, send us the answer and win a copy of Dudenev's "Amusements in Mathematics" — Dover Publications. Inc., N. Y. If you have a copy, say so and we'll provide a different prize. * Take 6 P.M. to midnight, all week. WMAL-TV's audience is the biggest in the Washington market. (ARB Dec. '60) wmal-tv Washington, D. C. <ning Star Station, represented bv H-R Television, Inc. Affiliated with WMAL and WMAL-FM, Washington, D. C; WSVA-TV and WSVA, Harrisonburg, Va.