Sponsor (Apr-June 1961)

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49th and Madison Important fashion contributions Your article "TV Take the Fashion World l>\ Storm."" was an excellent report Oil a new and important trend in retail advertising. It was timely. thorough, and a most important story. This article had special significance for WTTG because of our participation in this "major breakthrough." \> you know, we produced and carried "Fashion Tempo. I ,S. \.."' the Woodward & Lothrop program to which main references are made throughout your story. Despite these references, however, m> mention was made of our station. We feel that the program was highly successful from both sponsor and audience points of view. Naturally, we were disappointed when our efforts failed to receive mention in so comprehensive a report in an influential trade publication such as \ ours. John F. McArdle i ice president & general manager WTTG Washington. 1). ( . * * # The article "TV Takes the Fashion World bv Storm" in your 3 Vpril issue was of particular interest to us a I W RGB because it suggests that fashion shows are new on television. You'll be interested to know that we've programed a fashion show ever) Sundaj evening since 24 February 1952. For over nine years. Mr. Solomon's, an Albanv. N. Y. high-fashion women's apparel store, has presented a WAVE -TV viewers brew 28.8% more COFFEE and TEA —toast 28.8% more toast, and enrich it with 28.8% more "spread"! That's because WAVE-TV has 28.8% more viewers, from sign-on to sign-ofT, in any average week. Source: N.S.I., Dec, 1960. CHANNEL 3 • MAXIMUM POWER NBC LOUISVILLE NBC SPOT SALES, National Representatives fifteen minute fashion show in the 6:00-7:30 p.m. period (currently 6:30-6:45 p.m.). The continuous sponsorship for nine years indicates how successful this form of advertising is for the store, and the program's appeal is shown in the Match L961 ARB which credits it with 11', of the women tuned to television in its time period (and this against formidable network shows on the other channels in the market) . \rthur R. Garland manager — promotion General Electric Broadcasting Stations Schenectady. \ . ) . More on that Communist letter Charles Crutchfield has called my attention to the fact that you printed in the 10 April issue of SPONSOR, tb letter from the young Communist. I commend you for the publi service you have rendered in printing this letter. As I have previous! written to Mr. Crutchfield. ''this let ter should open some eyes, and we need to have more eyes opened." Edward R. Murrow director U. S. Information Agency Washington, I). C. I am indebted to my friend. Charles H. Crutchfield. executive vice-president and general manager of Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company, of Charlotte. North Carolina, for sending me a cop\ of your magazine containing his letter to you and a reprint from the Presbyterian Survey of a letter written by a young Communist to a friend in the 1 nited States. I hope the reproduced letter from the Communist will receive widespread publicity. It points up the fact that the Communists are succeeding in bringing about a real spirit of dedication on the part of their youth. I do not think we are matching this effort in the United States but I believe a genuine dedication to American traditions and ideals will become necessan if we are to combat successfulK the Communist drive for world domination. Charles Raper Jonas (rep.-N.C.) I ,S. House of Representatives Washington, I). C. • We're rorry, but due to lost minute changes, the Communlsl missive referred to In the ibove letters ili.l not iii>m-ar in tin 8 Man Issue. It «lil. however, be runnlrm in the near Future. 18 SPONSOR 15 MAY 1%1