Sponsor (Apr-June 1961)

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MORE PEOPLE ON THE MOVE: < harles E. Wilson to director of research, merchandising, and promotion, W CI L. Chicago . . . Tim Moore to assistant local sales manager, K.OIL. Omaha, from account executive, same station . . . Harry J. Dietlinger to account executive, W.IAS, Pittsburgh, NBC o&o . . . Raymond J. Chenney to sales manager, \\ NBF. Binghamton, N. Y. from v.p. and genera] manager, \\MI\. Mt. Vernon. 111. . . . Uie Altman to local -ales manager. KOGO. San Diego, Calif., from sales staffer same station . . . William D. Stiles resigned from v.p. and supervisor of broadcasting, Donrej Media Group. Las Vegas. Sports sales: KNX, L.A.. sold onehalf sponsorship for the 1961-62 University of Southern California s sports line-up. 13 football games and 23 basketball, to Dougherty Packing for its Farmer John Products. Kudos: Max M. Leon, president and owner of WDAS (AM-FM), Philadelphia, and conductor of the Philadelphia Pops Orchestra, received an honorary degree of Director of Music from Combs College of Music, I niversitj of Pa., for his life-long devotion to music and local music circles . . . Clayton S. Staley, WPEN, Philadelphia, account executive, was given the Distinguished Salesmanship Ward l>\ the Salesmanagers Association of Philadelphia for his achievements in promoting "Better standards of living for even one through better selling." . . . George J. Gray, v.p. and general manager. WLW-D, Dayton. Ohio, appointed to the national Radio-Television Station Advisory Committee of the National Foundation for the coming vear . . . Dorothy A. Sanders, promotion manager. WLW-D. Dayton, Ohio, elected for a two vear term to the board of directors of the Dayton Advertising Club. Happv birthday: KCMO, Kansas ' itv. Mo., celebrates its 25th anniverin the Mid \merica area. • data: WLIB, New York, fune will concentrate program] .ii the Negro audience in in New York. tadience promotion: WCAU, Philadelphia, to climax it> audiencebuilding campaign, completely covered ."><) city and suburban buses with posters advertising it> personalities, new coverage and audience participation program The Talk of Philadelphia. NBC TV ran ahead of CBS TV in daytime billings for the first 1961 quarter. \k ording to the LNA/BAR estimates, the billings by network for that quarter and the percentage change over the like quarter of 1960 were : NKTWORK. MILLIONS % CHANGE ABC TV $9.9 +48. 1 ' I CBS TV 18.2 -11.0% NBC TV 15.0 +57.2% To spur summer listening, CBS Radio gave a kit full of jingles, called Radio's Fun — Anywhere I mler the Sun, to its affiliates. The new jingles are made to inform listeners and advertisers that CBS Radio is ''the best place to spend the summer.' Aimed at new twists for the hot season, the jingles were played for affiliates in a half hour closed circuit broadcast. ABC T\ moves into a S2-million expansion program for the network's Hollywood facilities. The program includes: remodeling of Hollv w ood's largest production sound stages — including a 350-person capacity audience section; construction of a new administration building to be completed early in '62. Tv sales: Sunbeam buys into three NBC TV nighttime series beginning in the Fall. The programs are: 87 th Precinct, Cains Hundred, and Robert Taylor's Detectives. The company will also sponsor N.B.A. pro basketball. Kudos: Clark George, general manager. CBS-Chicago, was presented with ilu' Industrial Good Neighbor award for 1961 bv the Chicago Association of Commerce and industry . . . Arthur Hull Hayes, president, ( US Radio, received the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters at the commencement of Le Moyne Colli sge, Syracuse, Y Y., in recognition "of his accomplishments in the broadcasting industry.'" New affiliates: WKYN and W FQM-FM, San Juan: WORA and WORA-FM, Mayaguez; WPRP, Ponce; all of the Supreme Broadcasting group. Puerto Rico, have linked to' MBS . . . WHYS, Ocala. Fla.; WLNH, Laconia, N. H.; WMRT, Lansing. Mich., have joined with ABC . . . WMIL, Milwaukee, to join CBS Radio 26 June. Representatives Earl G. Thomas was appointed to the staff of Blair-TV's special projects division, specializing in the sale of "Factuals." They are dramatized presentations of a documentary nature which have gained important sales impact in major markets. Instead of bringing the Katz people to St. Louis, KSD-TV-AM brought 90 minutes of tape to them in New ^ ork for indoctrination purposes. What happened was this: for two successive evenings the KSD sales brass played two sets of tapes for the Katz staffs who will represent the stations as of 1 July. One tape dealt v\ ith the KSD-TV up-to-the-minute story, and the other with KSD Radio's storv . Rep appointments: KJEO-TV, Fresno, Cal.. to George P. Hollingbery Co. as the station's national reps . . . WADO. New York, to National Time Sales outside New York Metropolitan area. PEOPLE ON THE MOVE: George Arnold to director of marketing and client relations, CBS Radio Spot Sales, from manager of client relations, same company, and Allan Hughes to fill his position as manager of client relations . . . William H. Ensign to sales staff of the Blair Group Plan from account executive, CBS Radio . . . James Curran to New York tv sales staff. Boilin-, from Ted Bates . . . William H. SPONSOR 1') .ii m: 1961