Sponsor (Apr-June 1961)

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frank talk to buyers of air media facilities The seller's viewpoint Programing and promotion do not have a cause and effect relationship at station WEBR, Buffalo, according to David F. Leopold. "We regard (them) as both sides of the same coin — of equal importance and to be applied simultaneously" the stations general manager said. Leopold pointed out that creativity in selling is an oft-misunderstood phrase, and that one method of achieving it is to create programing-promotion "packages." Leopold feels that both of these aspects complement each other and result in maximum impact for advertisers in addition to increased revenue for the station. "Creativity may be achieved by interaction of promotion and programing" Iwlueh has been said, and even more written, about creativity in selling radio time, and there are almost as many opinions as there are radio slaesmen. But possibly some people may have gotten the opinion that creativity is a highly intangible concept that everybody talks about but feu put their finger on. However, in my opinion, creativity is a down-to-earth working tool, and there's nothing mysterious about it. In fact, creativeness is something that's been around since time immemorial — right in front of our noses. But it's up to us to take advantage of it. \\ e have developed a special idea of what sales creativeness is. In (tin opinion, a very basic and useful kind of creativitj is achieved l>\ combining programing and promotional aspects of a new format or program venture into aji integral whole. In other words, according to this formula, stations should rarely conceive new programing and linn begin to worr) how to promote it, nor should they -uddenK decide to "promote the station." Programing and notion might be regarded as both sides of the same • ■l equal importance to be jointly conceived and ed. Here are a feu illustrations. . fairl) well known, \\ EBR was the first station ountrj to program "sing along" as a full-time However, elaborate promotion was a built-in as pect of the concept. For example, numerous half-page ads were placed in local newspaper, as well as elaborate tabloids that were included in the Sunday Courier-Express. Tfiese tabloids, designed with a Ga\ 90's motif, contained lyrics to some 200 sing-along numbers. They were designed for listeners to keep and use the sing along on WEBR when (or rather if I the) were called on the telephone. This enables listeners to actually sing along on the air. If a listener sings one chorus successfully, he is awarded a transister radio. To be eligible, listeners must join the "Sing Along Club" b\ simplj mailing \\ I.IWi their name, address, phone number and time thej wish to be called. Here's another sample: Twin Fair, which operates five giant variety stores in the Buffalo area, was sold this promotion-program package. Over 100.000 bumper strips reading ''Copter for Cash" were given away in the storal and the drive-in theatre operated by this chain. \t specified times, the WEBR news helicopter swoops down and reads license plates of a ear hearing this sticker. A hciicopter newsman read this number on the air. (hen and there, and the driver has 24 hours to claim $50. Oh J al as pari of the deal. Twin Fair purchased a substantia schedule on 'Traffic Copter," traffic reports from aloft. They sa\ "Creativitj is its own reward." but in radio selling, it can be highlv profitable as well. ^ 72 SI'O.Nsni; I') .11 M I'JOl