Sponsor (July-Sept 1961)

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Three of NBC's top sports events have been snapped up by Chrysler and Gillette. The features picked up by the duo are the World Series games (beginning time around the first of October), Rose Bowl football game, 1 January, and the BlueGray football event, 30 December. What then, is still available? For one thing, there's a brand new musical variety show being offered by I CBS. The show — a daily, Monday , through Friday, segment, stars that popular comedienne Carol Burnett who, through her appearances on the Perry Como tv show has latched on to a good following, and Rich( ard Hayes. The show will be ready I for sponsorship 4 September. Available also on CBS are a few segments of Arthur Godfrey Time. The show has already lined up these advertisers: Hartz Mountain, Warner-Lambert, Tetley Tea, Clairol, and Underwood Deviled Ham. Other CBS availabilities include Art Linkletters House Party (already on the books are A. E. Staley, Del Monte, Bristol-Myers, Burlington Mills and Kiwi Shoe Polish) ; a few units on the Bing Crosby-Rosemary Clooney Show (current sponsors: Bristol-Myers, General Foods and Keyser-Roth). Also, a few units on Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar and the award winning, spine tingler, Suspense. The live concerts of the New York Philharmonic, which return to CBS Radio 30 September, are also available. Other CBS programs with still some availabilities are the network's ten-minute newscasts on the hour featuring such newsmen as Richard C. Hottelet, Douglas Edwards and Ned Calmer; the Monday through Friday News Analysis conducted by Paul Niven in Washington and Alexander Kendrick in London; the network's Dimension features. These |five-minute programs total 47 a week, and the weekday schedule shapes up like this: Your Man in Paris with David Schoenbrun; In Hollywood with Ralph Story; One Woman s Washington with Nancy Hanschman: Personal Story (new personality each week) ; Information Central with Alan Jackson; Sidelights with Charles Hollingwood. The Saturday Dimension features: (Please turn to page 51) Network radio rate card highlights ABC RADIO BREAKFAST CLUB Program charge: $300 each Commercial time: 60" Time charge: $900— $1,300 FLAIR Program charges: $150 and $300 each Commercial time: 60" and 30" Time Charges*: $420— $1,100 NEWS AND SPORTS Program charges: $100 and $200 each Commercial time: 1:15", 60", 30" Time charges: $360 to $1,100 CBS RADIO Fixed position rates (time and talent) 5-minute day units — $1,100 to $1,450 per unit depending on (1) number of consecutive weeks and (2) number of units per week 21/2-minute day units and 5-minute evening units — $750 to $1,100 per unit depending on, etc. 21/2-minute evening units — $500 to $850 per unit depending on, etc. Run-of-schedule rates (time and talent) Package of 10 is now being offered for $7,000 gross MUTUAL RADIO PROGRAMS: Class "AA" $1850 Class "A" 950 Class "B" 750 Class "C" 600 PARTICIPATIONS: DISCOUNTS Weekly dollar volume discount $ 2,000 to $3,999 2V2% 4,000 to 6,999 5V2% 7,000 to 9,999 10 % 10,000 or more 12V2% Consecutive week discount 13 to 25 weeks 2V2% "AA" "A" "B" "C" 60" $650 $575 $480 $400 30" 495 435 375 300 39 to 51 weeks 7 % 52 weeks or more 10 % NBC RADIO 5-minute segment (news)— $1,530 5-minute segment (other than news) — $1,800 Announcements: one minute: $1,350; 30 seconds, $1,000; six seconds $400 Discounts: range from 21/2% to 12V2%, depending on weekly dollar volume. There are also annual dollar volume discounts going up to 20%. •Weekly dollar volume discounts: 8.2091 on all Rates above are for 100^ clearance on all regular afflllaic.l >tatl"n< If cearanco falls below lOOCc. time charges are reduced proportionately. minimi 'I'ONMIi; 31 july 1961 39