Sponsor (July-Sept 1961)

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SPONSOR WEEK ■ WRAP-UP TV HOPEFULS. These beauties won the first preliminaries in 'Miss WNBC-TV beauty contest. Prizes to winner include an opportunity to become a tv star. Top, (l-r), Lessie Bonnell, Gladys Moir, Carol Bucella; bottom, (l-r), Carol Rogers, Else Mars, Pat Franklin, Barbara Hess Agencies i Knox Reeves-Fitzgerald, the i« agency made of the combine >| Knox Reeves and Fitzgerald, i announced new key personnel New Orleans. The list and their assignments a-. Joseph L. Killeen, Sr., chairma the executive committee and accc supervisor; Roy M. Schwarz, v.p. manager of the New Orleans of E. W. Rector Wootten, v.p. and ecutive art director; Mildred Thor Joseph L. Killeen, Jr., Charles Fos LaClare Ratterree, all account exe tives; Ralph Mulvehill, merchant ing director; and Boyd Seg} broadcast media. Agency appointments: Gold Bq Stamp Company, R. I., to Fitzgera Toole . . . Burma-Vita, Chicago.) R. Jack Scott, Chicago ... El Manufacturing, Columbus, 0., Meldrum & Fewsmith, Clevela . . . WAFS, Amsterdam, N. Y.J Storm Advertising, St. Louis CON-CON: first Constitutional Conventi election held in over 100 years was bak hooed over WJBK-TV, Detroit. Nancy Th(f as, Miss Fairweather, helped get voters DUMMY AIN'T SO DUMB. WAMS, W mington, Del., placed sign and dummy in busy intersection. Hundreds of people calk authorities to aid 'stricken sign-painte THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR WAMS RADIO ! L