Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1962)

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Every once in a while, some physical fitness expert comes up with a report on America's breakfast habits and warns us that if we don't all stop flying through the morning meal, we're eventually going to be too weak to eat the evening one. Now I have a sneaking suspicion that New Englanders, by and large, are pretty good breakfast eaters. I'm a juice, bacon and egg, toast and coffee man myself, and I understand there are still lots of New Englanders who start the day with corned beef hash or pork chops or some other substantial meat dish in addition to the more universal breakfast foods, and some who still finish the meal with a whopping piece of pie. One New England breakfast habit I really do know about though is the New Englander's habit of tuning in WEZE first thing. You see, between 6 and 9 a.m., we play only the livelier selections from our Wonderful World of Music, and we intersperse them with complete NBC news broadcasts, local news bulletins, traffic information, and weather reports. This, apparently, is just what New England wants to get it off to a good start in the morning. Maybe that's why we have more local advertisers than any other station — people who really know the New England market, know which station that market tunes in to. Our programs go so well with hearty appetites — buying ones as well as breakfast ones, that is. Sincerely, Arthur E. Haley General Manager Other Air Trails stations are: WIZE WKLO Springfield Louisville WCOL WING Columbus Dayton WRIT Milwaukee TIMEBUYER'S AADtlFD t#UIiNELIf Media people: what they are doing and saying Timebuying defectors don't always find themselves in rep-land after hurdling themselves out of the buying side of the business. Sometimes they land in the world of public relations. A case in point: Diana Wallach, former media director for Braco Associates and, earlier, timebuyer at Kenneth Racier, both New York, joined The Softness Group as administrative assistant last week. Long-time adman Bill Dekker is the new media director (and v.p.) at Fletcher Richards, Calkins & Holden (New York), replacing John Ennis. Bill, who spent 18 years of his savvy ad career with McCannErickson (New York), first as director of broadcast media, and later as media director and a v.p., goes to FRC&H after a year at Lambert 8c Feasley. 1 • f l| ^ ' fl m 1 -. B Hf^F^fl -^fl r * Jr4| <a 3P '^fn0' Jbb *a |T\ i % M « »' gjHgcs Saskatoon, Saskatchewan stumps timebuyers Get-together was hosted by CFQC-TV, Saskatoon (see item below). Attending: (Seated 1-r) Compton's Dick Brown, Bob Pape; D-F-S's Bill Keeler. (Standing 1-r) Arthur Scott, Canadian sis. development dir., Young TV; Blair Nelson, v.p. gen. mgr. CFQC-TV; and Stan Feinblatt, research, Young TV A casualty of the International Latex account shift: Reach-McClinton's Rene Reyes. Also still on the available list: Pete Holland, formerly of SSC&B. It was a somewhat startled group of Gotham buyers who found themselves face to face with a bit of "brain-storming" when they were invited by CFQC-TV, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, to attend a special market presentation at the Sheraton-East Hotel recently. The "unfortunates" were asked to participate in a how-to-spell-Saskatchewancontest (in five seconds, yet). There were no winners. Among those in attendance: Grey's Joan Stark, Joe Murray, Bob Greenstein, Joel Segall; Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample's Bill Keeler, Ron Babic, Bill Willis, Martin Ozer; Compton's Dick Brown, Bob Pape, (Please turn to page 48) 46 SPONSOR/26 November 1962