Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1962)

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New Year's Resolution SAVE FILM! Resist temptation! Do not send us a separate film print for each of our three KELO-LAND signals. And by no means be like cerain overly helpful advertisers who send us a whole flock of prints, figuring how else can KELO-LAND TV cover all its 103 counties. This how else. Your one commercial film or live messages, placed on KELO-tv SIOUX FALLS spreads out automatically through KDLO-tv and KPLO-tv (our electronically connected stations) to blanket all KELO-LAND— 276,500 tv homes, more than 1,148,100 people, all 103 counties. Now aren't you glad you've taken the pledge? CBS-TV's 33RD HIGHEST RANKING AFFILIATE in terms of actual delivered audience (ARB March '62, 6:30 p.m.-10 p.m. Sun. thru Sat. Av. Quarter-Hour.) CBS • ABC ^__ m a& K?0^ KELO-tv SIOUX FALLS; and interconnected KDLO-tv and KPLO-tv JOE FLOYD, Pres. Evans Nord, Executive Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Larry Bentson, Vice-Presd. Represented nationally by H-R In Minneapolis by Wayne Evans 'SPONSOR 31 DECEMBER 1962 Vol. 16 No. 53 SPONSOR-WEEK / News P. 7 Top of the News p. 7, 8 / Advertisers p. 60 / Agencies p. 60 / Station Transactions p. 62 / Tv Stations p. 62 / Radio Stations p. 63 / Networks p. 64 / Representatives p. 64 / Film p. 64 / Public Service p. 65 / Equipment p. 65 SPONSOR-SCOPE / Behind the news P. 19 KEY STORIES COLOR TV IN '63: A REALISTIC APPRAISAL OF A SOLID BOOM / With special reports on color tv sets, network color, local color, color commercials, station facilities. p «^ COLOR TV SET SALES REACH MILLION MARK / Color begins to catch fire with consumers, who will buy an estimated 700,000 color tv sets in 1963. p ^e NETWORK COLOR PROGRAMING EXPANDS For the first time, all three networks are running color shows in '63. Special report on what this means to color future. p 31 LOCAL COLOR SHOWS AID SPOT CLIENTS / Color is busting out all over in local tv programing. Creativity helped by color movies, cartoons, syndicated fare. p 07 WHAT'S NEW IN COLOR COMMERCIALS? / Advertisers like the quality and prestige of color commercials: fast growth expected on heels of new impact studies. p_ 43 TV STATIONS STEP UP COLOR FACILITIES / More and more stations are equipping for color, an important plus in any color growth. Here is the facilities tally. p, 52 TECHNICAL ADVANCES SPUR COLOR ON ' Color tv progresses in a path of technical advances, says RCA's Charles H. Colledge, who reviews improvements and explains new "M" channel concepts. p_ 59 TIMEBUYER'S CORNER / Inside th ne agencies P. 12 WASHINGTON WEEK / FCC, FTC mid Congress P. 21 SPONSOR HEARS / Trade trends and talk P. 22 DEPARTMENTS Radio tv newsmakers p. 63 ,!!» SPONSOR (R) Combined with TV ®. U.S. Radio ®. U.S.FM (ft) Executive, Editorial. Circulation. Advertising Offices: 555 Fifth Ave.. New York 17. 212 MtTrray Hill 7-S080. Midwest Office: C12 N Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 312-884-1166. Southern Office: 3617 Eighth Ave. So.. Birmingham 5. 205-322-6528. Western Office: 601 California Ave., San Francisco 8. 415 TU 1-8913. Loa Angeles •"phone 213-464-8089. Printing Office: 311 Elm Ave., Baltimore 11, Mil. Subscriptions: U S. $8 » year. Canada $9 a year. Other countries $11 a year. Single copies 40c. Printed U.S.A. Published weekly. Second class postage paid at Baltimore. Md. © 1962 SPONSOR Publications Inc SPONSOR /3 r DECEM B1£R 1 962