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Investment Opportunity
nm are looking at a part of your employee benefit pro:ram. It's part of your neighbors*, loo. And > our suppliers'
md \our customers' and your competitors'. It is there for (II Americans to enjoy.
A health) economy is a bulwark of the freedom it s\niK)lizes — and of our freedom to enjoy it.
American businessmen like you can protect the in\cstnent you have in this benefit program by promoting the reasury's Payroll Savings Plan for U.S. Savings Bonds. t makes for a strong America and a sound America. And t engenders a sense of thrift and independence and conervation that helps us all to fathom the real significance
of monuments like that set in the beautiful Black Hills. When you bring the Payroll Savings Plan into sour plant — when fou encourage your employee* to enroll are investing in the most precious o\ America's natural resources. In the sastnesscs o\ its mountains and plains and coasts that offer physical and spiritual recreation to us and our children. You are investing in the heritage and the future o\ America. In freedom itself.
Don't pass this investment opportunity by. Call State Savings Bonds Director Or write ' the
Treasury Department, IS. Savings Bonds D Washington 25, D
'*(B)S in your plant. ..promote the PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN for U.S. SAVINGS BONDS
The U. S. Gorernment cL*es not pay for this advertisement. The Treasury Department thanks, far thftr patriotism. The AJirrtitimj (
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