Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1963)

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I its cordlfss ch-ctric hxttlilmis}). (irdrycr, hroiltT-fry piiii, and if.iin-and-dr>' iron. In prinu' titnt' Polaroid (Doylf Daiir Bt-rn . Ill with partic-ip.itions in st'V«'n liitws from tlu' end of Octolx-r ' roui;h (,'hristinas, Snnhoani itt>. Cone & Holding) with scat iTcd niiniitc's troni now nntil 'Itristnias, Mi'nni'n (Cirry antl War k & Ix'Rler) witli some Decoin icr participations, and a conplc of •rc-Ciliristnias ininutfs for ('liant 1 \iirnian, C'raii; 6c Kuinini'I), Hcm ii;ti)n Hand (Vonni^ & Uubicam) ,ith a snbstantial participation L-hcdulc this month throniih 21 ")t't»'nihor, and I'hilco s spccial-pro s sorios of fonr parts, 10-11 p.m., ^1 pfrmlHT, ii October, 20 No iIht, .md 10 IX'C'fnihcr (thrnugli liDO), covering the world's roy;'l , festivals (ne.xt montli; see pho i\ and Rirls, phis Soviet Woman. ^pportiinttiea limited ^ CBS TV has little to note in '■ wav of seasonal business, since i^httime is 96'"r sold and da\time )ld ont. Chanel (NCK) and Shnl ■in (Wesley) are participatint^ in iir and five-night shows next •tth, and probabK' there will 'lade-offs between gifts and reg l.ir sponsors, as yet nnrec^orded. itain Kangaroo's Thanksiiivin'j. ulc Jubilee highlighting depart iit-store parades in fonr cities ^ November, 10-11:30 a.m.) is a onal availability but had not II sold last week. ► \HC T\' opens the gift season color with the a.m. Macy's 'tanksaiviiii:. Day Parade, imdcr ritten by CcHnlyear (Young & Mcam), M&M's candies (Ted us) and Hemeo toys (Webb). istman K(Klak ( J. Walter Thomp will offer The World's Creat ^hownian about Cecil B. De ille 1 Deceml>er at 8:30-10 p.m. S. Time for Timex watches \ anvick \ Legler) sponsors .A/r. ^oo's (.hirsfwa.s Carol 13 De :iber. 7:.3()-S:.30. Two of Hall >rk Cards' (FC&B) six Hall of lie dramas this year fall within season. "The Tempest" on 20 ■'her and "A Cry of .\ngeles" on necemlxT. eacli with W min ^ prim«> rvmning time. Daytime <rs include Shulton (Wesley) .» half do/en shows in Septem and October. In Christmas week 'Jittime. NBC's holidav trade m.irk, .\in(dd and the \i«/if \'i,Titors. go«s on again for the llfh year, entireK' restaged in cf)lor but still uns( hc(lnl<-d and unsold. Skinuning o\rr the crowd of gifts in sjiot t\, it is obvious that fragrance makers li.i\r read the handv\rifing on the wall by Chanel and I.aiuin and are eager to use the tv techniciue to write up records of their own. In the wake of electricra/or successes by N'oreico, H»iuington, Schick, and Sunlx-am, a host of aids for top-to-toe grooming are coming out of the factory cnto the li\ ing room screen. Cift appliances, of course, don't stop at the dressing room but march through the hou.se into living room, kitchen, and be\()ncl. Joining the razor-appliance competition in holiday sj>ot are electric shoe polishers, hair dryers, and toothbrushc-s, as illustrated by the rapidK di\«>rsifying Ronson. I'ousons holiday gift campaign breaks this week in some 60 markets for .1 dozen products. They include, besides the older lighter-and-lighteraccessory line (handled by Doyle Dane Bernbach), shavers for men and wonK'u, Kscort hair dryer, electric sho«' polisher, electric toothbrush, the C^an-Do kitchen unit that opens cans, mixes, sharpens, and whips (advertising through Smith 6c Dorian), not to mention such innovations as btitane gas candles. Rnrinii rnzorn Most of the dominant names in electric razors will show up in !ioliday spot, it's safe to assume, although campaign plans are "classitied." Norelco (through C. J. L.iRcK-he) isn't letting up in consolidating its repf)rted sales lead, and Hemington (Young 6c Rubicam) is imderstood to Ix* heavily in sjiot in an effort to break out ahead. Other significant contenders in the razor race are Schick (Norman. Craig & Kummeb and Sinilx-am (Foofe, ("one & Belding '. In kitchen appliances as in other classifications, this holiday season is m.irked by tsntative spot tests to see if the s(X)t Santa wont do for newcomers what he has for others in seasons past. The patterns v.iry. Among home-appliance regidars in spot. Proctor-Silev (through Weiss 6c Cieller) finds it gets enough momentum from a pre-Thanksgiving build-up in 50 markets to bring in Chrijttmas gift pro<i|Mx.is for n and toasters. Dormeyer (Nortii.r starts its pre-Christnias push in NovemlxT, an<I this year ) ■ .; sjjot tv in three top markc t 1 dition to network schedules for its grill, mixer, and "Ilurri-Hot" appliances (items on a list of kite h'-n .ippliantx's, |x>vver fends and h or dryer). Fragrance advertising in tv spot, with Jiearly four fifths of List vr.n's billing concentrated in the fourth quarter, \s showing possibilities of growth as new fragrances jump on Ixiard, some of the cosmetics adding fr.igranct? lines and some of the fragrances adding cosmc-tics and other toiletry items, including men's products. L.invin, which has scored on tv in seasons past with its Arpege and My Sin scents, is lining up its usual Christmas sjiot camp.iign (the account moved this month to Fcxite. Cone 6c Fielding). Chanel (Norman, Craig 6c Kummel) won't talk about holid.iv plans but is another jH-rfumc leader that has used .sjxit tv to advantage. Typical of iK-llwether activity by fragrances just Ix'ginning to sniff out tv ix)ssibilities is Balenri.ij.» (llelitzer, Waring 6c WavTic). For the Quadrille scx-nt, Balenciaga will test some teasing lO-second f< ". mercials that humorously su.; ■ ' the prcxlucts romantic possibilities with the catchphrase, **SIk? wore Quadrille. " If the line does well this month and next in two test cities, it could Ix* aired in ofhir m.trkifs Ix'fore Christmas. Candy, cameras. )cw(lrv. In r •. appliances, radio, tv, and stereo \. ts can be ct)unted on to join department stores and other spot and network comjx-titors for the gift di>llar Ix'twcen now and Christmas. Tlies** include at least one that plans ahead far enough to biiy time in l!;e critical last days of shopp p : Candv-Cram (through Cole F: Rogow) will \tc around as usual (Sponsor, 5 .\ugust 1963) with n^'"utes in SO markets for the four ' before C'hristmas. In summary, it looks as though the Christmas s«'ason c^f 196.3 will set new marks in Iwith network and spot tv, p.»rticularly the latter. a« to Ixjth total billings and " variety. It it isn't a Men ' under tlie family's holiday lre««, it won't he t\ 's fault. ^ M 25