Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1963)

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an tlir spot sclutlulf, U(>\ ion drop••d its li.ilt-s|)<iiis()rsliip of Tlir i'.il iilliian Shoir. Tr.uiitioiKilK . fluil\«Ttisri luul l)«Tn a siipportrr of i.iiix nctwiirk \ari«t\ slious fc.itiiri:: fop-fliulit st.irs III I*M)2. IU\liiii Nptiit .III (Ntiiii.i(I S.')>r().(KK) tor timr .mil talt-iit 1 lutwiuk l\. .Sp<it t\ . uliicli was iiiliiicd III Npiiradic promotions. ot oiiK S.^M.M(). \IikIi oI till spot iDiu'V was nsfd lor priKlmts otiur 111 i-osiiu'tics ( sff chart I. Diirinii tin last frw yrars H»\loii its liavi> hft'ii tossfil hatk and I til amonu sr\t'ral auriuifs. Crvv UtTtisini; lias lu-ld \aning iitiiints of thr lU'vlon aifoimt for "Mit tlirtv years, now liaiulKs ..It all of it. Warwick e\ Lt-iih r. u li has lu't-n in tharne of somr ' \ Ion ad\<.'rtising since 1957. was ppt'd two months a<io. and NorI ("raiu (Jic Kiimmi-I. in on tlu' ( limits for only a \c'ar. will ht ippfd ear!\ this winter. Huehsl»amn himself was onc-e al! with the a^encA side of the mess, lie was acxount supersi >r on Hevlon and other accounts MBDescO from 1957 to 1959. im' <liatel\ before taking iner as ad I tor for the client. ' lianges in agencies ha\-e notlito do with He\lon's ad\ crtisini: ' ies eoneernini; the use of lia," says Buchsbaum. "It is all licated on marketing needs. i lie ad director was reluctant to ■ into specifics. "Ever\b(Kly has I e\e on us." he says. "Even little companies are out to get -t a half-inch lead on our moves." '^\ ho are He\Ion's c^nnpetitors in • ineticsy .A\tin, with the innumernumber of housewives acting .dc>snien, is strong. In 1961 the pain's net profits were $20.8.5 ' llion. and in 1962. $25,362 mil'i Hevlon netted $12.19 in '61 $12.99 in '62. lic^sebromihPond's had a net It of $6.;iS in "61 and $7.3 in _Ma\ Factor. $4.81 in '61 and '7 in '62. Helene Curtis net iint;s last year of $2.57 were 'Ml about one-half million o\er ' prcNious vear. Helena Rubin stein was also down shi>htl\. last \ear lutlini; less than a million I la/el Hishop. which lost $7S2.(XI in '61 made a sliuht net uain of $19.S21 last vcar. Hevlon. which remains steacK in the hiulur ranks, sells priKlucts in almost e\cT\ line of cosnietics including face make-up. eye make-up. hair spraxs, hair care prcKliicts, lipstick, li.iir colorint;, sun jirep.ira lions, iragrunces. detKlorants, hand lotions. ImhIx lotions, face treat* ment creams, nail unplenu-nt.s. .\llH-rli>-(advrr. Procter At Gamble. Hristol-Mycrs. (."cijg.ii. V oli\e. and I^-xer Bros.. n not c-om|x-titive in c-«>sm<'tic*. give He\lon stronu c<im|M-lition in the .ireas of hair spravs. deodorants, mens liairdrc>ssinus. and hand (TIMIIIS ^^ Revlon diversified spot tv spendings last year REVLON INC. SPOT TV 1962 Asthmanefrin % 3.M0 Cosmetics 106.460 16.410 11.080 Delamine Antacid Esquire Shoe Polish Hi & Dri 116.950 1.760 Living Curl OMist Throat Sprav 4,770 Perfumes 49.120 Pinex Cough Syrup 21.700 Top Brass 63.050 TOTAL Cosmetics, toiletry p roducts S394.840 heavy spot category COSMETICS & TOILETRIES SPOT TV 1962 Cosmetics $12,435,003 Deodorants 6.093.000 Depilatories 289.000 Hair Tonics & Shampoos 18.645.000 Hand & Face Creams. Loticns 4.272.0O0 Home Permanents & Colormg 7.163.000 Perfumes. Toilet Waters, etc 2.591.000 Razors. Blades 3.405.000 Shaving Creams. Lotions, etc 2.531.000 Toilet Soaps 10.723.000 Miscellaneous 6.418.000 TOTAL $74 535.000 S'NSOR 14 ocioHKR IW.-i