Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1963)

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New study to bridge gap for retailers, suppliers MHDO ami llif N.iti.in.tl Assn. of |'"(1(k1 ill. tins ar»' taking .i sj-rions liMik at tilt c'tiiiiiniinications lai{ wliiili is t-osfinu the food indnsfrv l)<)lli time .uh\ iiioika IJotli lli< aniMKA ami NAI-'C i'4nr that tlu' comiiiimicatioiis prohliMii.N that t'\ist ht-twccn rrtailci iikI supplier result in lost time. 1st s.iles. lost prolits, .md iincntorx i(l|iistments. A pilot stiicU uhich i.(s involved inter\ i«'Nvs In BBDO i| selected t»)p-l«*Vfl chain e\een iMs, u.is completed 1 Oitoher rliis preliinin.ir\ iii\ f.stiijation es ahlished some basic weaknesses I lie communication line and de iiiiine<l the Hrst direction the iu<4-ranue study should take. Ini iilK, ht'cause there are problem iK.is common to many chains, the .tii(l\ will explore tlu chain of coni iiunication hetut-en the manufac irer and the retail company. Even ii.ilK, it will extend to vertical ninmunication within indi\idnal loixl chains l''i\( points to he tackled include: ( 1 ) who in each ret. til or^itni/.!tion or yronp .ipproves a new prinlnct; (2) what information is reijuired before submission to a retailer; (.3) what .ir« the facilities .uid arraiiuements for the supplier to pr«'sent inform. ition to the ret.ul er; (i) hou much time is recjuired for evaluation of a proposal; and (.5) oflwr inlormation conne(te<l with distribution of a new prodiu I or promotion. Under the .luspices of N.\l*"(.', HHDO is curreiitK surveying five retiiil oru.uii/iitions on the Kast (ioast. (."ooperatinii companies are .\cme Markets. Philadelphia; Klin ["arm ImxhIs. liostoii; rernandes Sujiermarkets, .Norton, Mass.. I.oblow, Buffalo; Vt^C Food M.irkefs. .Syracuse. The .mency has been Ijiven access to new priKluct committees, bnxers committet-s, and other key personnel within the ori^ani/ations at the operational or contact level. Where possible, .i new product or .i promotion is be inu fn||owe<l from (he moinrnl il i\ preseiited to the retailer until the lime it finally Uets into the %lrire. Ilie next phase of the pr> '.^f mi will include an exp.uided mh-. cv of at least MX) chains ihrouL:! I the country. BBDO and Wl'C will bc-ijin to release results of the siirvi-\ in the Sprini; of |<)6-l. and |»iTl .xlj. illv ill. Il'.lfll'l P&G position 'healthy' i'r<K-ter 6( (•.utible. (lie louiilixs bimjest measured media advertiser, reports its business i.s in a "healthv position" and is nrowinj» at .i "favor .ible rate. At the animal stcKkholders" me«-tiny in f !inc innati last week, }'((('• boiird ch;iirni.in Neil McKlrov s.ud the firm continues to show profit Uains as it invests "the earnnms neetled to supi^ort the advancement of the business." Tlie exjvnse of new-pr(Mluct intrtHluction. .iloni; with the establishment of businesses in new c-ounfries. plant construction, .md exp.insion into <ither \. if you were a ou-. L! You'd have nine Marconi Mark IV cameras, plus color equipment . . . more Marconts under one independent TV roof than any place in the world! And, you'd use them for network remotes, as portable equipment for your two mobile cruisers ... in your three large Communications Center studios for a myriad ol commercials, productions, local programming . . . and, some times, just for special effects like Chroma Key . . . We're prepared to provide this fleet of cameras for your peculiar needs — and a competent, richly eipenenced crew available to assure the excellent production which your assignment demands. Sort of a Teias service for those would be Texans . . . Makes you wish you were ... a Texan. WFAA-TV Tht Quality Ststicn jMving (hr ABC C^.inroi 8. Com" ce» of •d by Ed.. k^^-^rr^ M»rk»r L