Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1963)

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wo script ideas which, if lunun.1 iown, revert to Kr«'h«'rii l.iinitetl."* Alfhouuli tliis sDimds like a con 1)1) to rank with seUiiin the Brookvn Bridge or a brass key to Fort vno\. a Freheru Ltd. "analysis'" is lot .1 roundup of tliouijhts off the <il Freberu's erew-cutted head. Ke^earchint:' rlit'iil pnthlvnis W hen he aiiproaches a new prt)b :ii. he likes to liave on hand as i.iiu aspects of the proI)lein as a hent can provide — product sales. 'irporate track record, industr\ iiuhnij, metlia histor>, details of iuit competitors are doinij. previ is radio-tv advertising, etc. Only nil does Freberp feel h(^ can prop l\ evaluate a situation. I le is, however, no slave to re iich. which he feels "is onK a uie. not a Cod." He"s also a firm I lever tbat "tiw) many advertising iicies get bogged down in client .irch." \fter the evaluation is presented ' clients, the\ can then turn it down ^liich has happened only once), then movj on to "Phase Two" tin new relationship with Fre^ Ltd. nder this arrangement, clients charged $5.(K)(1 per "unit."" with I'h unit being considered as one lio or tv commercial, or print ad, ^ the costs of production. It is. iFect, a cost-plus deal in which l>erg has control o\er the creive processes. \Iost of the time we don't get in• ed unless an advertiser is willto commit for at least 10 units. S.5(),000 worth,"" says Freberg. basic minimum, around Fre.: Ltd.. is considered three units, ^15,000 worth of fees plus costs, ihis sort of pricinc has been Avn to WTing loud gr.v/jrcw from >unting dep.irtments on the nc\ client circuit. Recalls Fre4: '"^<5icH screamed in pain at -r $50,000 tab for the original I iser Foil air series. The cam1 ign w as desiune<l to force distri Tlie compulsive perfectionist J i B /icn f'rrhprn i> i/i n iliiiiin ^hixtting n It rommerrinl. <i« in ihr nou counting \\tnl %pols; or rn ortiinn n rnilin \pttl mdrd h> hn hlnnii uifr. Itonna, and • lop slerea vngimer : or rrhrurxinf ihr Hmnha .>»m;»/i«>fn in u prriormanrr i>< i /•>'•<• length Hiillrr-^ul rommrn lal flortfMng that \rhra.*k>t rttt. hr Ur«int unri. '. Hraiifhl nnri tint n for nothing 1''%% ihnn purr prrlnlion ami lull mnlrol oj nli ■ ■ • 35