Sponsor (Apr-June 1964)

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he two remaining specials art k fa (I \ police action) and / <.■, / neas\ I rtu e (tlic reiinsi the ( 7a r i*' the ( old ^ not he i Wolpei Production, I lie | end ol Marilyn Monroe, has sued film director John Huston to i. .td.' the houi t\ special. /iJC Films set in 15 Eizilian tv markets vlU Minis has pactcd a total ol 4 >aL's involving seven program ppcrties in 15 Brazilian televi ided among the propcitics . e network shows. I hey are: ne Point, Combat.', Hen I he Fugitive, and ///<■ \<>< (all currentl> on \IU -TV) at two off-network syndicated :iis. I he Rebel and Casper endly Ghost and Company. iBC's syndie arm claims the • deal has added to one ol Ih firm's most successful sales is tor its 1 atin Amei iean di Py-tv cities now 53 U Indianapolis race sed circuit television coverage Indianapolis speedwav 500 ace has now been set in 53 :i v In MCA T\ 1 he h film ■pkation firm expects to add m e theatres, sports arenas, and ititoriums m other cities to those read\ finalized. Esau forms Schedumatic Schedumatic < orp has been formed b) fohn I sau to function in several areas ol broadcasting, in eluding acquisition ol i s i/tv facilities and providing program services to stations m i s and abroad Headquarters is al Park w So . with branch offices to be opened in St I ouis and Dal las I sau is president. Associated w ith I sau. most re cent!) broadcast operations directoi lor Muzak, are Wendell B Barnes, ,\n investment banker, who serves as treasurer, and Robert I Fender, serving as sales v.p Barnes was ad ministrator of the Small Business Administration in Washington from l953-'59; Fender has been working with I sau foi past five years Initial sales puts UA series in 7 markets / . Side/W est Side, set to complete its CBS-TV run with the end ol the current season, lias been sold in se\en markets, marking the show's initial syndication sales via I mted Artists I \ Starring George < Scott, the 26 segment series will be viewed OH three Metromedia stations. \\ I l(iI \ vv ashington, K I I V Los Angeles, and \wiw I \ V •■ York In addition, Wometco's KVOS-T\ Bellingham, Wash., and three other indies' KPHO-TV Phoenix. WTTV Bloomington, hid., and the ( hicago tribunes WGN-T\ have signed for the seri( MGM names new foreign sales chief John It. lltasih Spins. Ml. riace I *»*> I director (if sales for the I iiitt-il Kingdom .md continental I u rope for MGM-TV, li.is l)t i n named to the newtj created post ot director of International nles. vn iiouiui iiu ih oi Spiral in " Riobal posi m made l>> John B. Burns, nlci m> oi MGM rv. Sj adkated rare, program! ami features, from MdM is now being iii(>iM(l in mora man 5U foreign countries, according to Burns. Spires has been .uIini for mOR III. in IS Mars in Ionian salis posts lor the motion picture ami t> film industry. He "ill In .i(li|iiarli r in Xm X; ork. i WW DC salutes Washington's lincsl .'?.") > .-.ii v ago, the ' hei net Motor ( ..nip.inv -tu ted as a iieighboi I garage. Today, it's one of the world I. H _. at I ord dealei ships, and its incredible Buct ess has been a model foi automobile people all ovei the counti j . Leon < Ihei net i redits i adio w ith a major role in 1 1 •• • i ompaii) s greal bu< cess H I on ll H I" 20 yean ago" says Mr. « hi i "and we're never bet i day!" WW I >< thank the < herner Motoi ' "inpativ ami it agent y, Ka Khrlii h & Met n< k. fa the vott confident e given b) one "I i onset utivr .idv .a tisei s to "tht lion i h.ti keeps ; • ople in mind." nationally X1 Gl <s>s BLAIR ROUP LAN EMBER \\v\[ic HUM" u VSHINGTON I '■I 20 1964 57