Sponsor (Apr-June 1964)

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capacities as supervisor of stagehand scheduling, business manager of live operations, technical operations, tv network operations, and most recently as business manager, scenic services. Prescott, an NBC employee for ten years, joined the network as an accountant to become a financial analyst in NBC-TV business affairs in 1957 and most recently business manager of engineering facilities and radio services. Zelig joined the network in 1963 as coordinator, budgets, operations and engineering. RADIO MEDIA Jack L. Katz named program director of KMA Radio Shenandoah, Iowa. He is the former owner of KQAL-FM Omaha and manager of KMEO Omaha. Ed Silverman promoted to assistant director of operations for ABC News. As a news correspondent he has covered for both radio and tv the Ruby Trial in Dallas, the New Hampshire Primary, the March on Washington, the Hazelton, Pa. mine rescue. YOU SHOULD HEAR R. E. Lee Glasgow, Vice President and General Manager of WACO, Waco, Texas, says: ". . . invaluable in making sales, especially to Grand Name Accounts. It is one of the best services ever developed for the radio industry, at such a reasonable price." Hear "MONEY MAKER" Call Dallas Collect 214 748-8004 COMMERCIAL RECORDING CORP. George C. Stevens appointed manager of Taft Broadcasting Co., New York. He had previously been vice president of Transcontinent Television Corp. for six years and prior to that had spent many years with the NBC in sales and administration. Eugene G. Clark, Jr. named operations manager for KSTP Radio Minneapolis-St. Paul. He has served KSTP as a radio salesman and administrative assistant for the past eight years. Jack Coppersmith joined the sales staff of Radio KMA Shenandoah, Iowa. He comes to KMA from Omaha where he served as manager of radio station KOCO Dean Naven promoted to news and special projects director. Charles E. Gunn resigned as general sales manager, CKLW AM-FM radio Detroit. This office will be directed on an interim basis by E. C. Metcalfe, director of sales/operations. David A. Pinnell appointed joint managing director with Edgar Blatt of Davenport & Meyer (PTY) Ltd., Johannesburg, S. Africa. George Kercher appointed to WEW Radio's sales staff, St. Louis, after his recent retirement, after 25 years as manager of the Edward Petry Co., St. Louis office. Jayne Swain appointed vice president and general manager of KGB San Diego. She comes to KGB from KSTN Stockton, where she was general manager. She is a member of Radio Television Executives Society, and American Women in Radio and Television. Ed Byron named executive producer in charge of ABC radio's upcoming drama scries. He is the creator of Mister District Attorney. He comes to the ABC Radio Network from NBC-TV's special program sales department where he served as an account executive for five years. Dr. George Gerbner, associate professor at the Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois, named dean of The Annenberg School of Comunications, University of Pennsylvania. He will complete this year his duties as project director of Mass Communications and Popular Conceptions of Education: A Cross-Cultural Stiu A Comparative Study of Films the "Film Hrero," which he is dire ting under a National Science Foi dation grant, will be completed nex year. SYNDICATION & SERVICES Frank Doak, formerly genera sales manager of Hardman Associ ates, Pittsburgh, named head of ra dio show syndication department ii order to devote full time to th« placement of three new shows, nov ready for syndication. Oscar Katz appointed executivi vice president in charge of produc tion for Desilu Productions. He re signed as CBS Television Networl vice president, program administra tion, to accept the new position or the west coast. Malcolm Sherman appointed as sistant sales manager in the U.S for Hollywood Television Service TV syndication wing of the Repub lie Corp. For the past three years ht i was west coast and southern distric sales manager for HTS. Sherman Sits/nan William Susman, vice president of MPO Videotronics, Inc.. electee to board of directors. He will continue to serve as an executive pro duccr. Paul Rosen joined Creative Management Associates, New York, a^ \ ice president and officer. Former!) he was a partner in the management and production firm of NRB. Boyd Kelley, broadcaster, joined the national media brokerage firm of Hamilton-Landis & Assoc. Dallas. He has been in radio since the I930's, starting as announcer-salesman for KCRS Midland, [en Presently, he is owner of KDW I Stamford. Tex. He was a charter director of the I e\as Association ol Broadcasters. NAB director of District 13. and a member of the Mutual Broadcasting System Affiliates Advisory Committee. 62 SPONSOR