Sponsor (Apr-June 1964)

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CALENDAR APRIL Affiliated Advertising Agencies Network, annual meeting, Andre* Johninn Hotel. Knoxville, lenn. (to Ma) Wometco Enterprises, annual stockholders' meeting. Forest Hills ["heatre, Fores) Hills, N, 1 and at World's Pair I Vssn. of Canadian Advertisers, annual conference, Royal York Hotel. Toronto <27-2im Motual Affiliates Advisor] Committee, executive committee meeting .it I .in Vegas (27-28), followed bj regular session (2'' ;i|i Societ} of Photographic Scientists ft Engineers, ll>M international conference, Hotel Americana, N.Y. (271). Screen Actors Guild, membership meeting, ballroom, Park Sheraton Hotel, New York (28). Dallas/Southwest Industrial trade lair, State I air Park. Dallas (28-1). station Representatives Assn.. Silver Nail-Gold Key Awards, WalAstoria, N. Y. (28). American Film Festival, sixth annual bj Educational Film I ihrarv 16mm competition. Hotel Biltmore. N Y. (20-Maj 2). American Women in Radio ft Television. I Jth annual convention, Mayo Hotel. Tulsa I JO-Maj American Marketing Wn.. New York Chapter's second annual new products conference. Hotel Dclmonico. \ N. i ml MAY Snuiliern California Broadcasters Assn. — t nivcrsitv of Southern California's joint third annual Radio Seminar. I S( campus 1 1 ) Kansas Assn. of Radio Broadcasters, annual convention, I assen Hotel. Wichita 1 1-2). kentuckv Broadcasters Assn., spring .onvention. Louisville Sheraton Hotel Missouri Broadcasters Assn., annual ' rneeting. Columbia (5-6). ( BS-TV, annual conference of network and affiliate executives. New York Hilton (5-6). I kctronic Industries Assn., worktop on maintainabilit) of electronic ,0 equipment Sheraton leffcrson Hotel. S I ouis (J 7). (.re. iter Augusta Advertising ( lull, annual election meeting, Downtownei Motel, (7)). Montana VI' Broadcasters Assn., session at I cw iston (7). California AP Radio1 \ Assn., an Dual convention. San Jose (8-10) (alifornia \l' Radio1 \ Assn.. session at the Hyatt House. S I'M Indiana AP Radio1 \ Assn., ses sum at Indianapolis I'M \de\ <>4. Intl. Adv. Exhibit, ( Ad vertising l nhibition Promotions old Bailey, l ondon), at ( irand Hall, Olympia, I agland (910). Pennsylvania Assn. of Broadcasters, annual meeting, I he Inn. Muck Hill Falls do-12). National Retail Merchants Assn.. sales promotion division convention, at the Hotel Americana, n Y (1013). Direct Mail Advertising Assn., direct mail institute. University ol Connecticut, Storrs. Conn. (10-15). Mail order seminar. Statlcr Hotel, Boston (12). \ssn. of National Advertisers, ses sum at Waldorf-Astoria, N. Y. (11 12) sales Promotion Executives ism., seventh annual conference, Astor Hotel. N. Y. (11-13). National Acadcmv of Recording Arts & Sciences, dinners lor Grammy Award winners, simultaneous!) held by its chapters in New York. Los Angeles, and ( bicago (1 2). Chicago Federated Advertising Club. 22nd annual advertising awards presentation and dinner. Palmer House (13). American TV Commercials I estival, fifth annual awards luncheon. Waldorf-Astoria (15). Sales ft Marketing I xcciitives-lntl.. convention. Palmer House. Chicago (17-20). Ohio Assn. of Broadcasters, spring convention. Commodore Pcrrv Hotel, Toledo (21-22). Alabama Broadcasters Assn.. spring convention. Broadwater Beach Hotel. Biloxi. Miss (21-23). Association of Broadcasting I Midlives of Texan, annual awards banquet. Dallas (22). I ouisiana-MLssissippi AP Broadcasters Assn.. annual convention, Jackson, Miss (22-24). Emmv Awards |6th annual telecast. Music Hall, Icvts Pavilion, New York World*! Fair, and the Palladium. HolIvwood 1 25). Catholic Press Assn.. convention. Pcnn-Shcraton, Pittsburgh Art Directors ( lull of N.Y.. awards luncheon. Americana Hotel (2( Visual Communications Conference i Art Directors ( h,l> of N. I York Hilton (27-2 NSOR / April 27 1964 American Krsr.in li M< r t li.indisin^ Institute, Del < I) i n iiuu JUNE leiliiiii.il Asmi ,,| lh, (,i.i|ilii, Aits, invention Hall P luti. Kadi.. \ h Societ] I ion oi Honoi presentation din tier, ai \\ aldorl Astoria n n. National A i-~n.il Presentatioa Asm. i >.iv ol \ isu.ils ' t ommodo Yorl Marketing Executives ( hib "i Ni ^ ork. convention, Radio < ii Advertising I ederation ..I Ainrr iea. f.oih annual convention, < Park Pla/a Hotel. Si LO International Advertising Assn.. 1 6th annual world congress, Wald Astoria. V Y (7-10). American kcademj of Advertising. annual convention, ( hase-Park Hotel Si I ouis (7-10) Spei ial I ihrari. s Assn.. vention ol advertising and publisl div isions. Sheraton lefl H I, Si I ouis (7-1 I ). Non-Sectarian National Rilili ( <>m munications Congress, Sheraton Park Hotel. Washington, I) ( (10 Mutual Advertising Am in » N.i work. national business meeting I marck Hotel. ( hicago (11-13). (Georgia Assn. of Broadcast' rs. 2'M!i annual summer convention. ( all. ( iardens, ( >a 1 1 1-16) National Asmi. ol Displav liulus(ries. I r.ule Show Bldg A ' Yorkei 1 1 1 American Marketing \>mi.. national conference, Sheraton Hi Dallas (15-19) International Advertising I ilm I cstiv.il. \ enice, It.dv 1 1 5 Federation of Canadian Advertis ing X Sales (luhs. I~th annual . ference, Nov a Scotian Hotel 1 1 N s (18-21). Assn. of Independent Metropolitan Stations, annual meeting. MontJ ( anada (18-21) Radio-Tek » kdon News Dkrecton Association, national spring nice: ( herrv Hill. N J .21 I National Advertising Agcnc) N work. 1964 management conler. Par Horizons Hotel s (21 [ ransanu-rica Advertising A Network, annual meeting, N "> National I ditori.il \vmi.. convention. Hotel ( omu N l (24-2 Assn. of Industrial A. hen 42nd annual D Hotel. Philadelphi Advertinkai i tit ration of I si\th annual seminar in managen Business School B 13