Sponsor (Apr-June 1964)

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AFA questions FTC cigarette ad proposals Powei ol the I ederal I rack Commission to impose arbitrarv eontrols i,ir advertising 01 labeling ol cigarettes 01 an) othei product has been questioned b) the Advertising ition ol America. Not only th( \l \ question that I l( (regulator) rights, .is authorized In ress. extend that far, but it ilso feels such a practice would 'establish .1 dangerous precedent :tor similai rule-making against an) tad .ill industry," according to the trganization's monthl) report. Dominion offers dealer tie-in with tv Dominion I lectric ( 'orp. has an lounced a spring promotion in sup xvt of the company's network t\ tising during the Mother's ,)ay-June bride selling season. Appearing on the Today and Toshows (NBC) for the fourth onsecutivc year, Dominion appliances will be advertised nationall) ran April 2" through June 9 As 1 tie-in deal for this period, the ompan) will offer its dealers .1 rcc Hamilton-< osco bookcase-desk inh with every purchase ol an aslOftment ol 12 Dominion appliI he appliances will be quipped with a special header lea uring the company's t\ advertis sJew Kodak ad director Waldo B. Potter. Eastman Kol.ik vice president and director of dvertising, has announced his >lans to retire Ma\ I. after more ban 40 years with the company. le will be succeeded as director ■f advertising In V Dexter John>n. , Joining Kodak in 1921, Potter Rafted out as a market analyst, hemic director of advertising opertions in 1943 and director of >u\ertising in 1953. Johnson, who will assume his ^u duties as director ol advertisig next month, is an assistant president o\ Eastman Kodak nd has served the company as adertising manager since 1957 He •imc to the compan) in 1934 to charge of general window dis J.>li)i\,>n Pott play advertising. In 1945 he organ ized and became first supervisoi ol kodak's regional display depart ments and assumed responsibility for the advertising department's merchandising operations. 1 ndei his direction, the compain Opened Ms exhibit centei and Kodak Coloramas in New York's Grand Central Station. Beech-Nut spotlights baby premium on TV \ iieu baby food premium from Beech-Nut I ife Savers is being promoted in o4 markets with a heavy 60-second video spot drive through Benton A: How les. Promotion continues through National Baby Week. Apr. 2>-\la\ 2. for the plastic toy milk bottle premium containing spools and clothespins. Commercials are being Supported by a direct mail campaign to grocers. Benton ec Bowles states that this is one of few times that a heavy spot t\ schedule has been used in a bain tood premium campaign. American, U.S. Tobacco report earnings healthy Despite conclusions made some time ago in I ngland and the I S that cigarettes are harmful, buying, selling, and advertising for at lea-; tWO giant tobacco firms arc going at a healthy pace. N • income figures on American Tobacco Company for the fust quarter will not be available until later this month, according to president Robert B. Walker. "The trend Ol our business is such, however, that I Ao not expect these figures to be far below last year's for the same period.'" he added, "c \ e n though our advertising expenditures for the first quarter of '64 are higher than for any other quarter in the company's history.*1 1 Be compai that PaTI Mall continues to • in dependent anal. the larj selin irette in th I ucky strike account foi ol all regular-sized country American 1 dominan m the 11011 filtei held, but filtci business continues t< ing to a company : in, now represents 16* I ol sale compared to 119! a year aj In filter brands, < arlton introduced last January, "is enjo; ing such widespread demand that a,\ vertising expenditures lot it | been less than anticipated " Mont clair, which achieved national distribution last war. has "in excess o| expectations for .1 n brand.'1 Dual I alter laiexton continues to show greater percent increases than niter cigarettes as a group, the company reported Recently, American robacco entered the little cigar market with Roi-Tan Filter I ip Little ( igars. While American is best known for its cigarettes, it has a cigar sales Volume in excess ol $50 million a >ear. it is reported. Business is also going well for I s robacco, the company announced at a recent Stockholders meeting. Accomplishments oi the c impany during 1963, including increased earnings, continued preeminence in the snuff field and more complete integration ol acquisitions were noted by I OUl's v. Bantle, president. Bantle said these factors, com bined with successful introduction of new tobacco, specialty \ooA^ and writing instruments products factual support to his belief that the "year ahead should be one of increased revenue and progress " I he report pointed out that earnings increased common share in 1963, with consolidated net e.irnn 096, 01 $2 05 :• comparison per share, in 1962 S off fractionally during I9( ling 2,931, in 959 the pr. Advertising agencies foi cm I obacco SSt A B I and BBf> I V bacco West, Weil D( S&S 'ONSOR / April 27 1964