Sponsor (Apr-June 1964)

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tirk representative of the outlets, Loofirmed the 52 week sale, con ■ders a .1 majoi breakthrough for ll-lall'.'ll.l'V l\ RC> Mollis In he first tobacco company to entci be s|\ client I i-.t f?ep appointments tvery-Knodel has been named Utionul s .1 Ic s representative foi Ll\l Dallas WFYI Garden ii\. \ Y. h.is designated Roger i)*( on nor its national reprcsenta(,rant Webb has been Ippointed In Laredo's K\()/ ivc national station represen. . kill Shreveport, has Lamed I l-K Representatives its exclusive national spot sales represenptivc John Blair is the outgoing entativc foi Kl I I Ehlers Coffee spots Drew in N. Y. market The largest local spot radio cam >aign in the historj of Albert Ehl is. Inc., has begun in the Nev rork market for Ehlers Coffee, hrough Co-Ordinated Marketing cy. 1 During the next 12 months, more Man 2.400 spins, valued at ovei ; 1 50,000, arc scheduled on WNB< Lnd WOR. I he WNB< spots are Mimaril\ slated for news shows and \ill also include two commercials vr da) on the Big H ilson Shew. Peter & Mary Show. John Gambling, Martha Deane and > tie I ran* is programs are among he WOR shows slated tor the 77old coffee producer. Mew cigarette lights jp with tv spot debut American lobaeco. through Sul ivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, s using tv spots in Indianapolis and > as part of a promotion for irm's new Halt and Halt tiller cig Tobacco is same Half and Hall nixturc as in the pipe tobacco )lend of the same name, that ac ounts for an estimated 10 percent tional sales. 1 10 and 20-second spots are tinning in conjunction with a heavy Tint campaign. Additional markets naj be added in the near future >n a regional basis. Color film highlights station promo \i» \ork Iliilon WM (lu sit in of WBAM1 Ft W ortli-D.ill.is IiiikIhoii till' Inr 6(10 ad aniiio. BCtWOfft and other IndustT) leaden. I liuiih'jhi was a soiiiid-on-t i In i color presentation ol the lixas station's market, tmoag those attending were il-n l. I. Stefeosoo, marketing rice president of ( on Products, V&K's associate media director [swam Lynch, Raj Joins, raperrisor, spot coonUnathm unit, and Georgi < , ( ;isik Him. rice presldenl for h at Peters, (.ritiin. Woodward, stattoa representarJres, which co-hosted affair ** i t ti National vdis Representa In is. HOW CAN YOU SOUND ON RADIO? Get a great jingle, that's how. From Studio Ten Productions. Studio Ten is new. and young, and vigorous. Studio Ten has an outstandingly creative talent team. Studio Ten has really big facilities. Plus the best equipment in the business. Studio Ten is already gaining an enviable reputation for reliability. Tear out this page, send it to Studio Ten. and you'll get your very own jingleman by return mail. No obligation, except to listen to him for five minutes. We'd like your business. How about i STUDIO TEN PRODUCTIONS J. EXCHANGE BANK BLDG D' I SUITE J •PONSOR / April 27. 1964 45