Sponsor (Nov 1947-Oct 1948)

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SORRY, WE HAVEN'T ANY BRIGADIER-ADMIRALS... — but WVET has almost everything else to help you do a whizz-bang of a selling job! Who won the Battle of Rochester for this high profit market's 5000 watt station? 38 veterans stubborn enough to insist there's NO SUBSTITUTE for plain old-fashioned get-up-and-go. And now WVET is out to do some fancy battling for vou! No . . . we have no intention of dropping you like a hot potato once you've signed. We've been timebuyers and clients ourselves so we know what you're up against . . . firmly believe in servicing the sale. I. Thanks, old man, but we don't ivant an A for Effort. All we're after is A-f results for YOU — whether you're out to break sales records for Flapdoodle's Delicious Gumdrops or Dieselpowered tractors. 0 >■ 3. Frankly, we can't afford to miss any boats because we've invested our own hardearned sheckels in WVET ... all 38 of us. To put it candidly, we have to make money for YOU — so we can make money for us. 0 5. You bet we'll test shows for you and give you complete advertising and merchandising service. Anything to help you sell more of those delicious gumdrops — or anything else you want to promote. We can also give you expert, onthe-spot help with local distribution problems. 6. We're set up to give you the kind of personal, individualized service you want . . . the kind of service Q that will help you get bigger and better returns from every one of your WVET broadcasts. So hurry to your nearest three-cent stamp and write for full details about Rochester's new live-wire, upand-at-'em station— WVET ! VETERANS BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. 204 GRANITE BLDG., ROCHESTER, NEW YORK WVET 5000 WATTS 1280 ON YOUR DIAL (YOUR MUTUAL STATION) NATIONALLY REPRESENTED BY WEED AND COMPANY NOVEMBER 1947