Sponsor (Nov 1948-June 1949)

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Andre Baruch, for 13 weeks, stooged for a different magican every week to sell the "magic" of Polaroid TV lens for all sets Polaroid paradise \oImhIv thought that TV ;i«««'ss«>ii«'N could he hig bushies* over the air ^^B^ Bring out almost any major P m mechanical product from ^H[^^ i.ii to cameras and il wont be long before some enterprising manufacture! is marketing a dashboard compass or an exposure meter as .hi independent accessoi \ . The manufacl lire <>l all i \ pes of accessoi \ products in the I . S. has become big business, ami frequently a profitable "in-. Willi television-set manufacturing booming as the newest major industr) in 1 1 1 i -^ country, it was only natural thai an overnight rush would develop to bring mil TV accessories as well. Special "television tables,' along with special TV chair-. T\ bar sets, swivel-top attachments to mount TV sets, as well as other gadget-, are being sold in furniture and department stores in T\ areas. Architects have designed living-rooms around T\ viewing, and magazines like House Beautiful and Better Homes and Gardens have tackled the task of decorat ing a living-room where the center of ait i action is a I \ set. But nowhere has the field of TVaccessor) selling been so green as in the manufacture and sale of various attachments foi the I \ set itself. These have divided rOUghlj into three major types: lenses, antennas, and Idlers. I.verv T\ -set owner is a potential customer, and every TV dealer a potential outlet. Furthermore, the best advertising medium for such selling is T\ it-elf. since there is little 01 52 SPONSOR