Sponsor (July-Dec 1949)

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Advertising Agency Personnel Changes (Continued) NAME FORMER AFFILIATION NEW AFFILIATION — I I DePaull i harlea % . Dressei Norman I.. Drynan Mini Dueovnj Lawrc H. Ilunham Iri-,lraiii Dunne I da. .ir I . Eaton Rodne] I rlekaon Vrlliur \» . Firlilen John D. Fitagerald trthur I . Forreal t arlos V. Franco il.im Gallon ( llfford I. ill Richard I Goebel S. \. Balpern lerrj Hlnes Harvej J. Howelli Mil i. mi Hurley Hare < Ivej John V Jackaon I rederlck II. lonea Jc Arthur V. Judson I . . kr.i Filwin A. Kir*rhner lh.rr> J Kleefisch Ed LaGrave Jr I homaa I-athnn Rosemary Leaan Louis Mm in John H Mayer John Milton \. W . Moor,Frank G. Moreland V \. Nordquisl Ubert Plena Lois Rea II. N. K. ...I Jr William 11. ..I Jr Paul Roberta Alice Rom Donald Seaiiillin William E. Schneider Irene S. Sims T. L. Stromberger George Tharp Hill W.I.I, J. Kenneth While It. <:. Wilson ■lg super* Weet-Marqulai S.F.. mcr I r.-i a Petera, N.l .. ■!■ ' anadian I aimers, Hamilton Robert Maxwell, N.Y., prod Benton A Bowles, VI .. accl exei Young & l( ul.i, .,,,,. V>. I r.u , Mfg I ,,. Plttsb., -I pr vr ^.nmi: ^ Rublcam, N.Y., pro,! ilir. "We lit, pie" « smpbell-Ewald < o, Detroit, operating and • i-t rill lug dept*. * BS-1 \. W.l . ehargc ol sis U 0 VI. ^.in \ntonn. Texas, |iruin in*:r \ oung X Rubicam, SJ\ .. radio media mcr WSIC. Statesvllle. N.C., man dir KiiiliraufT £ Ryan, S.F., exe< L. H. Bart man < ... N.Y., exec vp KOI.. Seattle, accl oxec Standard Brands Inc, W. ad* mgr Newell-Emmetl Co, V\., time buyer Bert S. <,ittiiis, Milwaukee John \. Calrni & Co., S.\ .. vp M. Glen Miller, Chi., accl exec Seldel, N.Y.. vp > oung X Rubicam, VY. Nail Vssn of Bedding Mfrs, >t. L. K. II. ( ;ir\, I nr. Des Moines, arrt exec Goodman, V> . Benton A Bowles Inc, N.Y. Beaumont «K Ilohiuan Inr. Seattle, BCCl CXOC Foote, i one tfC Beldiuc. N.Y., food arrt exec igencj tssoclates, L.A. w . s. Grant, S.F., nnzr v> estinghouse Electric Corp, Pittsb., ad* assl Standard Brands Inr. N.Y., Fleischmann di% slfl prom mpr Ziff-Davis Publication Co, Chi., a«l\ prod mcr \\( BS, W. sis NBC, VV. radio dir Luwri'iirc (',. (riiniliiiiiHr, N.^.. media dept Benton X Bowles, N.I . Benton «X Bowles, N -^ ., exec WestMarquis Inc. I. .A., sr acet exec ( Itizen, Beverly Hills, Calif. Allied, I \ p<»n mpr Biow, N.Y. (•rant. N.Y'., partner tlberl l rank*Guenther Law, S.F., aeel exec Redfield-Johnstone Inc, V. .. vp I. II Hay hurst, Toronto, aeel exec Ken yon A Eckhardt, N.Y., radio prod < empbell-Mlthun. Mnpls., arn exec I ederal, N -^ .. accl exec < Norman Burk. Plttsb., vp Same, lupen operations radio. t\ Same, head radio and t% dept \\\r\ «X Richards, IV.Y .. exec -taff i urt Frelberger and < »., Denver, «-op> chief Ku.il.. r. %.■... exer Harrj Gatton, tame, preB Than* * (.ill (new), I. A., eo-head Hlddleston, Evani A Merrill. Seattle, vp William II. Welntraub X Co, Inr. N.Y., dir of ro] II. J. McGrath, Seattle, accl exec I ed Itai.s. V* ., accl exec Doyle, Dan.-. Bernbach, V^ .. time huyer < lark »X Rickerd Inc, Detroit, accl exer Si i, dir Blddle, HI" Ington, III., arrt exer \ ,i 1 1 I > i \ e r *K ( a rl y I e Inr, !S" . Y . , arrt exec I. ii eh an an <X < ... I. .A., media dir ^ll>0 Productions Inc. but mgr Bom an, St. I,., arrt exec Leasing, Dei Moines, radio dir, arrt exec Lenhart, ^ ork, Pa., charge of radio. I \ cop\ Bennett. \\ alther «K Menadier Inc, Boston, charge Same, Portl., In charge Same, S. I •'.. accl exec for W estern Beet Sugar Adrian Bauer, Philad. Iphia, ropy dir Dozier-Graham-Eastman, L.A.. aeci exec John Blair. I. .A., acet exer James \. Stew art. Carnegie, Pa., aect exec Same, mgr -U prom and adv Bill Bon silt. Denver, media Michener & <>** onnor Inc. John Blair, V> .. acrt exei Benton A Bowles, N.Y .. script Joseph Katz, N.Y., time, huyer Ted Bates. NaY., media buyer Same, bus mgr of radio and tv dept. Thomas *K Del chanty. NaY., acet exec Same. \ p Tharp & (rill (new), L.A., ci>-hcad Walter Mrlrrrry Inc. L.A. (successoi Creery ). head of radio and tv dept Lennen *X Mitchell, \". Y., acet exec It ol lira ii ff «X Ryon, N.Y., vp dir, traffic mgr Harrishurg, Pa., copj dir nd radio dir Smith. Bull A M. New and Renewed Television (Network and Spot) SPONSOR AGENCY NET OR STATIONS PROGRAM, time start, duration imerican Cigarette & Oipar ( „ (Pall Mall) Vrnold Maker* Ine I Arnold Bread) Benrus V\ atcfa < <, ItriiMii ,V Williamson In ha, (Koola) Bulova w atcfa < o ( hevrolel Dealers l>. P. Clark < i.r.-lx I ,. i ..,1 Edison C'o I ,,rli-* l.auiont *K < o DeSoto Dealer! I ir~l National Hank of Boston General I ime * !orp ( Setfa I lioin . i I locks I i dyear Tire A Rubber ( „ Hamilton V atcfa Co Ideal N„wli» S l„> Co I incoln-Mercur) Dealers Minneapolis Brewing Co I I. rain Hell Beer) 1 1,< n.w Syndicate Co Ine Penlck-Ford Ltd Inc ( Hy-T-1 I,,. ( Pioneer Scientific ' ,»r|, I! n \n Metal »„rk Ine ( Lighters I I nil,, I Ml I I States I obaci o • o Sullivan. Stauffer Colwell i< Baylc Benton & Bowles KTLA.TV, I \. \\ llkl!-l\ . Chi. TABU, N. ^ . J. D. Tarcher » M!\X -l\ . \A ash. Ted Bates W AIIU, N. V Biow WNBT. N. Y. ( ampbell-Ewald WAB1), N. Y. BBD&O WBKB-TV Chi. Hlll).\<) W M!T, N. ^. Cecil « Presbrej WBKI»-T\ Chi. >lo» \\ Mil). N. ■* . BBD&O WBZ-TV, Ilo. ton BBD&O W >l Mil \ . It.,ll„. Young X Rubicam WBKB-TV Chi. BBD&O KM V 1 \ . 1 \. Mlanli, Wll/.|\ Boston Kenyon .K Eckhardl \\ 1 llv. | \ net BBD&O WT< N-l \ Mnpls, Placed direct \\l'l\ N Y. BBD&O KM \-l \. 1 \ ( ayton WNBT, N \. <,!-»■> K 1 1 \-l\. 1 \ N \\ V | . , K II \ 1 \. I \ W Mill. N V K mill, r \\ Mill. \ V Film anil, nil: Ocl 31 j 13 «k <r) Film s| : Nov 13; .">2 »k (n) Film spots; N,,» 10; r.2 »k> (r) lilm spots; N„> 2!t: 13 «k In) Film spots; N,,, 13; 2ti «k In) Famous Jur> Trials; I'h 9:30-1(1 pm; N„x 2: 2), v.k (n) Film .urn. mi; (let 21; 13 wks (n) The Weatherman; Mon-Fri 6:55-7 pm; N„, 1; I :i «ks (n) Film spots; N„\ I : 13 »k In) Wrestling; Sal 10 pm to conclusion; N,,> 2<> : IS ~k. <n) \\ . .ilh.r spots; N,n. T: I.I v. k . (n) Film annemts; N„, 21; 13 wks (r) Film spots; Not '>■ It wks (n) I iln i spots; Nov 27: I «k In) Film annemts; Oet 7: 12 v*ks In) I..:,. i ,,1 ih, rown; *u «-<< pm; Nov I «» : 13 «k (rl 1 1> Minneapolis Lakers basketball games; Nov, 16; Inl Voice ,,l the Pi Ic; >u 7:30-8:30 pm; Nov II: II „k (n) Ii. inn] Webb; -mi 6-6:30 pm; Nov II; 1 A .k. (n) Sand] Dreams! Sal 6:30-7 pm; Dec 2: I :t v.k In) Film spots; Dec I; .".2 v.k (r) Film -poi-: No, 8; I » v>k ( ■■ I I • -; No> II: 211 «k In) Film -; No, II: II ,,k ( n ) ^