Sponsor (Jan-June 1950)

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THE GREAT GODFREY (Continued jrom page 22 i have had experiences with a large number of radio programs. It is very difficult to trace better business to an\ particular radio program or any particular advertising program, but here is an instance where I feel that we can actually trace improvement in the business to the Arthur Godfrey program." I scerpted from \abisco"s report at the annual meeting of stockholders. 13 Vpril. 1949.) Primarily, Arthur Godfrey isn't -riling crackers or orange juice or flour or cigarettes. He's selling Godfrey. Yil'i it. hi-\ . Pillsbui \ . ( ihestei fields and all the others are just along for the ride. Over the years, he has built a reputation for never plugging a product on the air until he's tried it himself and found it deserving of the Godfrey seal of approval. This is a device that's as old as advertising itself, basically, but Arthur has developed a typical switch on it. When Godfrey is touting a new cracker or an orange juice, he's speaking as a Man of Little Distinction just one of the boys. He's taking a directly opposite tack from Calvert. ONLY ONE STATION CUV L Kb THE SOUTH BEND MARKET AND WHAT A MARKET! Right' Only WSBT covers the great South Bend market. No other station, Chicago or elsewhere, even conies close. Look at the latest Hooper — look at any Hooper — for eloquent proof. The South Bend market is far-reaching, prosperous, and growing fast. Its heart is two adjoining cities — South Bend and Mishawaka — with a combined population of 157,000. Total population of the entire South Bend market is over half-a-million. Total retail sales in 1948 exceeded half-z-billion dollars! The rest of WSBT's primary area gives you another million people who spent 911 million dollars in retail purchases in 1948. You must cover the South Bend market. You do cover it with WSBT— and only with WSBT. with its gallery of impeccable types, to get the same results. In the phrase of a prominent industry figure, Godfrey's ua\ with a commercial is the "quintessense of the personal recommendation, which is the most powerful selling force in radio." That is just the sort of rolling prose that Arthur, finding it in a commercial, would attack like a small boy dewinging a butterfly. The other morning, for example, he broke off during the Pillsbury segment of his early CBS broadcast to make this observation: "That's a funny kind of a sentence "'If you want to impress } our husbands boss . . .' ' 1 wonder what they're tryin' to say well, anywa\. it's a real good recipe (for cakes made with Pillsbury flour), they're refreshing and different, and you oughta try them." A transparent device, sure, but what better way to align himself on the side of the listener against the ad agency slicker Avho must resort to a lot of fancy phrases to get his message across? So Godfrey scoffs at the copy, kids the agency, needles the network until the listener, all agog, is wonderin" : what'll he do next? 5000 WATTS • 960 KC • CBS PAUL H. RAYMER COMPANY • NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Letters to recall when you buy time in the Los Angeles Market K W\eeps A ^^udiences mmistening i Affiliate of the Liberty Broadcasting System In Los Angeles you hear Major League Baseball first on KALI For data on other firsts ask KALI 425 E. Creen St. Pasadena 1, California RYan 1-7149 SYcamore 6-5327 46 SPONSOR