Sponsor (Jan-June 1951)

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, Da y time TV ■H Helpful techniques ^ and ideas for TV programs This new book shows you how to use movies most effectively MOVIES FOR TV by /. H. Battison is a complete, how-to,-doit guide to the production and transmission of movies on television. It gives practical information on all cameras, projectors, recording equipment, etc., showing how each piece operates and how to use it most efficiently. It tells how to produce titles and special effects, newsreels, all types of commercials; how to edit and splice film; how to light scenes for best results on TV; how to combine movies with live scenes. Here is a wealth of useful information together with much experienced advice on what is good and what bad in movies for television, and why. SEE IT ON APPROVAL The Motmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave, New York 11 Please send me a copy of Movies for TV 1 will either remit the full price of $4 25 or return the book in 10 days Signed Address BMI SERVICE Service is one of the basic theme songs of BMI. Broadcasters in AM, FM and TV are using all of the BMI aids to programming . . . saleable and useful program continuities, research facilities, expert guidance, in music library operations, and all the other essential elements of music in broadcasting. Along with service to the broadcaster, BMI makes available to its 2,808= licensees a vast and varied repertoire ranging from be-bop to the classics. BMI is constantly gaining new outlets, building new sources of music and constantly expanding its activities. The BMI broadcast licensee can be depended upon to meet every music requirement. *2 80S as of Jan. 2i, 1951 BROADCAST MUSIC, INC. 580 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK 19 NEW YORK • CHICAGO • HOLLYWOOD Idea Shop, WNBK, Cleveland, Monday through Friday, 2:30-3:00 p.m. Each afternoon Mildred Funnel and Gloria Brown have a bevy of wares to sell in their Idea Shop. Program covers household hints, good shopping buys, and fashion tips. Cost: .$70 gross per participation. Rep: NBC Spot Sales Buying with Betty, KNBH, Hollywood, Monday through Friday, 9:45-10:15 a.m. This is primarily a half-hour shopping show directed at the women in the home. Betty Hoyt assisted by Arch Presby draws top audience mail week after week. Guests appear from time to time to add variety. Cost: $85 per participation. Rep: NBC Spot Sales SERVICE-INTERVIEW Television Charm School, KDYL-TV, Salt Lake City, Wednesday. Friday at 4:00 p.m. Charm tips, advice on posture, graceful stance are given by Salt Lake City model instructor Ruth Tolman. Says Darrell Sisemore. local beauty salon operator: "My advertising of permanent waves on KDYL-TV has doubled my business. Two things impress me about the results Fve had from afternoon TV. One is that it gets results quick — much faster than any other form of advertising I have personally used. The other factor is the hold-over impact. It's not unusual for a woman to come in a month after a particular item has been mentioned and ask for it — mentioning that she saw me on KDYL-TV." (The beautician appears in his own five-minute participating period.) Rep: Blair Kathi Norris Show, WNBT, New York, Monday through Friday, 12:00 noon1:00 p.m. Program is an informal get-together with housewife-viewers. Kathi gives household suggestions, tells about the newest time savers. A regular feature, '"Good Buys," constitutes the main portion of the program. Here, Kathi discusses shops where outstanding merchandise may be bought in New York. with exact prices. Guest interviews with celebrities, hobbyists, and women who own small businesses are a regular feature. Occasionally. Kathi also inter views her husband and \ oung daughter. Saks 34th Street found that one Kathi Norris commercial sold 74% as many nylon shirts at $5.96 each as did their standard newspaper ad, with TV 83% cheaper. The ad outsold Kathi three to two. but at a cost of six to one. Cost: $150 per participation. Rep: NBC Spot Sales Margaret A Hen Show, WCBS-TV, New York, Monday through Friday, 11:15 a.m.-12:00 noon. In an attractive living room-kitchen set, Margaret Arlen and assistant Woody Klose offer the latest hints for the modern homemaker. Margaret Arlen is a woman's program veteran on radio. Klose presents the male point of view. The show also includes interviews with celebrities, interior decorators, and home economists. Margaret Arlen sets a relaxed, informal pace. Cost: $200, per one-time participation. Rep: Radio Sales (CBS) Exclusively Yours, KRON-TV, San Francisco, Monday through Fridav. 4:00-5:00 p.m. Veteran radio and newspaper woman Marjorie Trumbull is often first to bring visiting celebrities before the San Francisco public. Those appearing for interviews have included: Norman Thomas. Leonard Bernstein. Rockwell Kent. Kathleen Norris. Eight different sponsors participate. Rep: Free & Peters VARIETY The Del Courtney Show, KP1X, San Francisco, Tuesday through Sunday; 2:30-4:45 p.m. on weekdays; 2:00 to 5:00 Sundays. Former nationally known bandsman Del Courtney is m.c. of this variety show which includes interviews, records, and serious aspects such as a weekly salute to various North California cities. The Sunday show includes a local amateur contest. Sponsorship is participating. Cost: $50 weekdays; $75 Sundays. Rep: Katz The Real McKay. WCBS. New York. Monday through Fridav. 12:00 noon1:30 p.m. Jim McKa) conducts a variety program with the air of a man entertain 68 SPONSOR