Sponsor (Jan-June 1951)

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In summary, as a result of its survey, SPONSOR found that, despite some conflict in opinion, most people in the industry want a showdown on the research muddle. The Baker committee proposal may not be the final answer; but at least it is a possible step in the right direction toward standardization. If advertisers wish to clear up the complex questions that muddy the research waters, they would do well to support the forthcoming project and examine the most practical ways for implementing its results, most of those queried agreed. In the words of Hugh Beville. director of plans and research at NBC: "It will have to be a joint effort. But first, some group must step forward and get it moving. It will be a thankless job, full of heartache and grief, for whoever does courageously step up to take first crack at the ball. If nobody does take that effort, if nobody wants genuinely to unscramble the research tangle, then they should stop complaining about conflicting services. This is the time for them to put up. or shut up." • • * TOP COMMERCIALS [Continued from page 28) man & Marquette J ; Rexall Drug products ( Rexall Drug Company, agency BBDO); Pet Milk (Pet Milk Sales Corporation, agency Gardner Advertising Company) ; Longines and Wittnauer Watches (Longines-Wittnauer Watch Company, agency Victor A. Bennett Company) ; U. S. Steel Company (United States Steel Company, agency BBDO). J. Chesterfield Cigarettes Chesterfield's present low-pressure sales conversation between Bing Crosby Crosby and Bob Hope started out as a one-shot. Der Bingle has hawked Chesterfields for some time on various programs, but Hope first joined the cigarette fold in October 1950 when he guested on the Crosby program. In typical Crosby-Hope style, they kidded one another about being together for Chesterfields, then launched into a conversational plug for the product. Chesterfield and their agency, Cunningham & Walsh, were so impressed with the bantering Hope-Crosby commercial that they transcribed several versions for use on the Bob Hope Show (NBC, Tuesday 9:00-9:30 p.m.), the Have You Seen the Primer "? just off the press! Eight pages of facts and figures presented in simple "first grader" style that give you the low-down on this tremendous market as concerns CKLW and TV. Reading time: 2 minutes! Uses: Unlimited! Write today . . . it's FREE 50,000 WATTS 800 KC CKLW GUARDIAN BLDG. DETROIT 26 Adam |. Young Jr., Inc. National Representative ). E. Campeau President 12 MARCH 1951 67