Sponsor (Jan-June 1951)

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EXCLUSIVE! Shell Oil placed "Shell's Dinner Edition of the News" on KJR — their only radio in Western Washington. REPRESENTED NATIONALLY BY AVERY-KNODEL, INC. New York • Chicago • Los Angeles • Son Francisco • Atlanta +#rj£e sfct/'P — for years, KFVD has been digging COLDEN RESULTS for sponsors with a powerful 5000 watts at the mid-dial 1020 kc. Not just "flash-in-thc-pan", but consistent HiCHEST-CRADE returns. You can use us! IN LOS ANCELES IT'S KFVD The CENTER of Your Radio Dial schedules and posters and signs in the gas stations. To make its advertising budget cover a number of markets, Atlantic usually goes in for co-sponsorship deals in every city on its broadcast list. In Philadelphia they carry the Athletics over WIBG and the Phillies over WPEN, plus a regional network of about 15 stations. Daytime games of the two teams are televised over WPTZ, WCAU-TV, and WFILTV, all in Philadelphia. An expanded schedule of N. Y. Yankee games is carried over the Home of Champions network, including 18 stations outside New York City. The Pittsburgh Pirates games are being carried over WWSW, Pittsburgh, plus approximately 19 stations in western Pennsylvania. Boston Red Sox fans hear Atlantic advertising on WHDH. Boston, and a New England network of about nine stations. The video side will be handled by WBZ-TV and WNAC-TV, Boston, and WJAR-TV, Providence. The minor league club is the Baltimore Orioles, to be heard over WITH, Baltimore. Two Oriole games a week will be televised over WMAR-TV. Baltimore. Ballantine beer Another big spender on baseball broadcasts is P. Ballantine & Sons through J. Walter Thompson. This year it is going into Boston for the first time by sponsoring the Braves games, over WNAC plus some 32 stations including the Yankee Network. They are also airing the srames on television. In Philadelphia, Ballantine is one of three sponsors of both major league teams, along with Atlantic and the Supplee-Wills-Jones Dairy Company on both radio and TV. Chesterfield cigarettes Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company, via Cuningham and Walsh, is continuing its sports activity by sponsoring all games of the Giants over New York stations WMCA and WPIX. It is also going into Chicago to present the Cubs over WIND, Chicago, plus some 32 Midwest stations. The new move this year is the West Coast sponsorship of the Hollywood Stars over KLAC, Los Angeles. Exclusive radio rights here cost about $20,000. Game rights trend A significant trend advertisers noted this year is the increase in the cost of rights in many cities. So far advertis 136 SPONSOR