Sponsor (Jan-June 1951)

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_ job zes on Jon, aca -in shelf appear ■ gimmicks, ■ ■ . . • 2 :' ad ••■ i lgh on — either jdget or rions 1 ramble, ' era! :ard Brands — all f radio. Media can, erchand : with H> . / ■ .' idio -ta• ati. WING, KSTP, St. Paul. WWL, ha pointed out "Merchandising b 10 Part 1 wo" 1 ] a voluntary • r 'lard practices and To fill this or hard-hitting, yet reasonably pr. e merchandising, enterprising men w radio experience and merchandisir. savvy have developed "packc at provide both the selling vehicle and the followthrough. AlthoL. ere are others, herewit; es the activnlv thrf SB -organizations, i ure Radio, Inc. -t Advertising, ." radio programs as their adv . The third, •rporation of America . beams its advertising directly to the er in the store — via FM radio. All have a highly developed sense of the importance of point-of-sale. They . that a strong advertising imj can be negated at the very thr< hold of a sale. In talking with the men who head these rnerchandising-minded firms, and several oil ob ed an amazing degre of unanimity on these basics: L) Point-of-sale know-how is -till a little understood and poorly practiced art by a surprising percentage of oil brilliant advertisers ally tho-e v. ith modest budgets. Ks is the case with the art of public relations, American bus: is just becoming aware of its importance: 2) You need skilled crews to do the hard store-to-store work that guarantees distribution of goods: (3) Even the hardest-to-crack chains can"t withstand customer demand — many agree to stock a product as soon as thev're told that radio or television is in the works. The point-of-sale services rendered bv Feature Foods, Marjorie Mills Hour, and } ankee Kitchen aren't new. They've been developing over many \ears. Some of the crews fashioned by J. E. Murley, owner of 1 ankee Kitchen and Marjorie Mills Hour, have been functioning with few changes for 10 years or more. Sponsors will profit by a close analysis of the techniques used the three firms which form the basis for this article. Feature Radio. Inc. operates its "Feature Foods" plans on four stations—WLS, Chicago. KYW, Philadelphia. WOW, Omaha, and WHO, Des Moines. Introduced over WLS more than 15 years ago, the plan gives spona participation in a top-rated program plus merchandising push with it own staff of rts. Martha and Helen are the two con Wi'rchuttdisiny "puvkuye" plans start with prftaraming congenial to tconten