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genial homemakers wfio chat over the air from WLS for a half-hour. six days a week. Anything that interests women is grist for their broadcasts — hairdo's. selecting a dog. overcoming fire hazards, making coin meal waffles, whipping up a tast\ cherry angel pie, interviews with people like Mrs. Edward G. Robinson or foreign correspondent Helen kirkpatrick.
\\ oven into their entertaining talks are sincere sales pitches for the products of participating sponsors. But this is actually just the beginning of a Feature Foods promotion.
From experience, the Chicago di\ ision of Feature Foods has discovered that 12 to 15 demands for an item (about 2l ■/ < of a store's customer-' will cause the grocer to stock it. IVmand from .V , of the customers will
encourage a grocer to push a prodw t and anything over l.~v, i< terrific. This distribution-getting demand is one thing the \fartha and Helen program seeks to stimulate for ne\\l\ introduced products.
With the air promotion underway for a given participating sponsor, feature Foods' statT of merchandising experts gets to work in the stores. Five women under director Mae W atkins
Inhere services described in article operate
Feature Radio, Inc. Chicago outfit, > <-l 1 "Feature Food*1 packages of radio shoa pin merchandising staff on W I S, Chicago; k>W. Philadelphia; WOW. Omaha; WHO. Des Moines.
Broadcast Advertising, Inc., Boston, provides merchandising service for participants on M:irii>ri< Mil!-. Yankee Kitchen programs carried over i«i> Nea England regional radio nets.
Storecasl Corp. ot America, Nea \<>rk. beams music, news, product announcements si:i KM to -tore .nut homes in Nea England, Nea Jersey, Philadelphia, Chicago, Pittsburgh.
call on some 1,250 metropolitan Chicago independent and chain groceries,
rhese are the things the] do foi each p.utu ipating sponsor:
1. Persuade grocers to stock the product, if not stocked alread]
2. Get advantageous shell location-.
3. Report on sales ol the product and its competitors.
1. Arrange display matei ial.
Discover trade reactions to the product and its distributors.
In addition to these dailj eft special promotions are arranged with leading chains, cooperatives, voluntary chains, and supermarkets. Promotions get a build-up oxer the air. while the stores reciprocate bj featuring the participating products in their regular advertising. Special displays, free recipe booklets ever] proven technique to heighten interest and
boost sales i used.
(Please turn 81)
. follow through with store visits hu trained cretcs. in-storc promotions
Ken & Carolyn's Yankee Kitchen typifies homemakor-typo snow, puts sales pressure behind products Part ot BfOtdcMl Advertising package
(2) Product displays, store posters, shelf strips are regular part of merchandising service th.it comes with mtegnted plans like Feature Poodl
(3) Contests, like this Storocast tie-in with Acme Markets in New Je sr\ in I proven traffic builder, also boost pai ticipating sponsors' products