Sponsor (Jan-June 1951)

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""Off-season" show reaps S193,000 implement gross Ordinarily the winter months are loch, local Massev-Harris dealer at bad for farm implement dealers. Farm Brandon. Manitoba, decided to expericrs are just not interested in buying merit with radio and get the jump on machinery when there's a foot or two competitors. The result: he did twothirds of his 1951 business in two months. January and February. Starting 1 January, the implement dealer bought a Weather Roundup on CKX, Brandon, on weekdays at 12:25 p.m. The program, costing under .$200 a month, included a fanfare, an 18word introduction, a 50-80 word commercial : then a brief weather report, ending with a 50-60 word commercial. The results were amazing. Up to 28 February, McCulloch sold 40 MasseyHarris combines. Thirty of them sold for $5,100 each; the other ten — smaller models — averaged $4,000 apiece for a sales gross of $193,000 on a radio expenditure of under $400. sign on tractors for dealer of snow on the ground and normalh combine sales start around 15 June. But this past winter, George McCul • • • Singers transcribe special occasion salutes Greeting card manufacturers have made holiday and special occasion commemorations big business. Now there's a growing trend toward special transcribed program offerings available to advertisers who want to capitalize on holiday promotions. Newest of these offerings was a set of five 15-minute programs readied for Mother's Day by Associated Program Briefly . . . General MacArthur's visit to Milwaukee on 27 April was marked by complete coverage of the event, with a Service. Featuring singers Vic Damone. Phil Brito. Robert Merrill, Hayes Gordon and Guy Mitchell the programs were reproduced for ready use on the five days preceding Mother's Day or as a tandem operation saluting American mothers on the day itself. A similar series featuring vocalists Evelyn Knight, Mindy Carson. Kay Armen and others will be available for Father's Day. *** A 72-minute recording of excerpts from WTAG's daily program schedule for the indoctrination of sales representatives is the idea of Robert J. Brown, the station's commercial manager. Played for executives of the Paul H. Ravmer Company recently. Brown thinks it's the ideal way of letting the reps know what they're selling. Milwaukee station execs plan MacArthur net "MacArthur Network" formed by five Milwaukee stations. WEMP, WFOX, WISN, WMAW. WMIL, giving a seven-hour continuous broadcast. G. W. Grignon. WISN general manager, headed the organizing of the network. 21 MAY 1951 WTAG's Brov Krt Raymer's McKinnie The The latest Pulse of Birmingham proves once again that WAPI news is hot news for advertisers. It shows that WAPI broadcasts eight out of the top ten news programs, day and night, Monday through Friday.* best Best is the word for WAPI news. And for WAPI's star newscasters. Newsmen like CBS' Edward R. Murrow (12.9 rating) and WAPI's Lionel Baxter (9.0 rating, 5:30-5:45 p.m., Monday through Friday).* news News and more news is what Alabama listeners demand. Which makes WAPI news great news for you, too. Because all Alabama is booming with new industry and loaded with spending money. in In cases where WAPI quarter-hour news shows compete with other local programs, Pulse shows WAPI news always gets a higher rating. You get a bigger audience (more customers) when you choose WAPI news.* Alabama Alabama-bound advertisers who know a good buy when they see one should look in on WAPI and get the news. For complete details and availabilities, get in touch with the nearest Radio Sales office or... 'Pulse: Mar.Apr. 1951; Moru-Fn. WAPI "The Voice of Alabama" CBS in Birmingham Represented by Radio Sales 55