Sponsor (Jan-June 1951)

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"Live artist" quality is a characteristic of the new RCA Victor "Personal" radio, one of the most compact ever built. -i-|trW"t6~ vM. 0. OQsuL Ul Tune in this RCA Victor "Personal" radio — no bigger than a book. Out pour the full tones of any orches'.ra — so full of "living presence"— that it's like holding a band in vour hand. This compact instrument grows directly from basic research conducted at RCA Laboratories. Scientists and engineers here perfected highly efficient circuits and electron tubes — powered by compact RCA Batteries. Rs built-in antenna gives peak performance anywhere — at home or "on the road." Rs miniature loudspeaker offers fine acoustical performance in a minimum of space. Development of this handsome portable radio, weighing less than 4 pounds, is another example of RCA research and engineering at work for you. Result: a totally new satisfaction from a small "Personal" radio. See the latest wonders of radio, television and electronic?, at RCA Exhibition Hall, 36 West 49th Street, N. Y. Admission tv free. Radio Corporation of America, RCA Building, Radio City, \eiv York 20, X. V. See the compact new RCA Victor "Personal" radio today. Model B411— now on displav at your local RCA Victor dealer's. RADiO CORPOIMlTfOM ©/" AMERICA IVor/c/ Leac/er /n 'RocZ/'o — Firsf in ~7e/ewsfon 21 MAY 1951 65