Sponsor (Jan-June 1951)

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11 vu, /Tl\ W DIGEST FOR 4 JIM 1951 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 12 ARTIJCLtiS ffoir to win u ilh .fii tin Few national advertisers are aware of the rich, ripe Spanish-speaking market of 3,500,000 in the Southwest. Here's how to tap it: via radio Best Foods' secret weupon Though this firm is tight-lipped about ad strategy, SPONSOR gleaned enough information to show how spot radio helped put it on top M nietionury / Httndbook for Sponsors In addition to defining hundreds of new trade terms, SPONSOR'S own TV Dictionary contains valuable technical data What \IH -f*« r« in on uf meryer iiirtiii.v to trade SPONSOR interviews with Goldenson and other execs reveal ABC-Paramount deal will strengthen AM/TV networks Si/lr«ui«\s biy switeh Why, after 50 years of trade advertising, Sylvania Electric has switched to consumer appeal, with $2,3 10,000 spent on network radio and web TV They're lil'tiny the spot veil Soon, facts on use of spot radio by soaps, cleansers, toiletries will be available through expanded Rorabaugh Report COMING Kindergarten i'or sponsors Contacts with the show world are fraught with pitfalls for the sponsor who lets the rsizle-dazzle go to his head 25 2H 30 32 34 3d lit June flow obsolete is BMB? SPONSOR canvassed timebuyers and broadcasters to uncover their opinions on the current usefulness of BMB reports lit -J II III' Premiums on the uir SPONSOR is currently surveying trends, techniques, do's and dont's in use of premiums DEPARTMENTS MEN, MONEY & MOTIVES 510 MADISON NEW AND RENEW MR. SPONSOR: E. STOUTENBURGH P. S. RADIO RESULTS MR. SPONSOR ASKS TV COMMERCIALS ROUNDUP SPONSOR SPEAKS 6 10 15 18 20 38 42 46 48 80 ■ ■1 ] A ■ m f^L' i&'ii Picture by Jean Kaeburn COVER: New broadcasting czar Leonard H. Goldenson, 45, who'll become president of American Broadcasting-Paramount Theaters, Inc., is known for his quick wit, law background, long-time recognition of TV as potential ally of movies. He has philanthropic reputation (president United Cerebral Palsy Assoc, 1949; member United Jewish Appeal Drives, 1947-49), says, "My hobbies are going to the movies, listening to radio and watching TV." He became president Paramount Pictures 1942, UPT 1950 (see story page 32.) Editor & President: Norman R. Glenn Secretary-Treasurer: Elane Couper Glenn Managing Editor: Miles David Senior Editors: Erik H. Arctander, Al Dann, Frank Rasky, Len Finger Ass't Editors: Fred Birnbaum, Lila Lederman Art Director: Howard Wechsler Vice-President Advertising: Norman Knight Advertising Department: Edwin D. Cooper (Western Manager), George Weiss (Traveling Representative, Chicago Office), John A. Kovchok (Production Manager), Edna Yergin Vice-President Business Mgr.: Bernard Piatt Circulation Department: Evelyn Satz (Subscription Manager), Emily Cutillo, Josephine Villanti Secretary to Publisher: Augusta Shearman Office Manager: Olive Sherban Published biweekly by SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC.. combined with TV. Executive. Editorial, Circulation and Advertising Offices: 510 Madison Ave., New York 22. X, Y. Telephone: ML'rray Hill 8-2772. Chicago Office: 161 E, Grand Ave., Suite 205. Telephone: Superior 7-9863. West Coast Office: 6087 Sunset Boulevard. Los Angeles Telephone: Hillside 8311. Printing Office: 3110 Elm \<c . Baltimore 11. Md. Subscriptions: United Statei $8 a year, Canada and foreign S9. Single copies 50c. Printed in U. S. A. Address all correspondence to 510 Madison Avenue. New York 22. X. Y. Copyright 1951 SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC.