Sponsor (Jan-June 1952)

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DIGEST FOK 11 JANUARY 1952 Why don't more advertiser* use farm radio? Farm publications get millions in consumer advertising, yet rural radio favorite medium of nation's farmers, is often ignored by general advertiser II on Hay ton used l\ to sell « eivie project Ingenious air programing, high-caliber ad agency, and professional to helped Dayton sell its citizens on increased school tax liter the freeze lilts: a report to sponsors TV eamera mayic cut* cost Stay Beer use* three air media Griesedieck Western Brewery, No. I I in national beer sales, turned i print to $500,000 spot radio and TV budget: sales are spurting The one-shot: when and how to use it Oregon druy store uses sir-selling campaign llow ItMl helps boost sponsors This will be an array of nuggets gleaned from BMI's gold bor program tips at its increasingly popular air clinics Hon hitrh have rates yone up in spot radio? 36 I inn-buyers tee like and why DEPARTMENTS MEN, MONEY & MOTIVES 510 MADISON NEW AND RENEW MR. SPONSOR: ABE BLINDER P. S. MR. SPONSOR ASKS TV COMMERCIALS AGENCY PROFILE: BEN DUFFY ROUNDUP RADIO RESULTS SPONSOR SPEAKS COVER: One, scribed progra on local sponsor s in developing new big-time radio shows. Latest such is Frederic W. Ziv's "I Was A Communist for the FBI" taped series at $12,500 a week. Discussing Ziv show costs are (left) Matt Cvetic, real-life hero of FBI, and (right) Ziv executive vice president John Sinn. Editor & President: Norman R. Glenn Secretary-Treasurer: Elaine Couper Glenn Managing Editor: Miles David Senior Editors: Frank Rasky, Charles Sinclair Department Editor: Fred Birnbaum Ass't Editors: Lila Lederman, Richard A. Jackson Contributing Editors: Robert J. Landry. Bob Art Director: Si Frankel Photographer: Jean Raeburn Vice-PresidentAdvertising: Norman Knight Advertising Department: Edwin D. Cooper (Western Manager), George Weiss (Traveling Representative, Chicago Office). John A. Kovchok (Production Manager), Cynthia Soley, John McCormack Vice-President Business Mgr.: Bernard Piatt Circulation Department: Evelyn Satz (Sub ■.cription Manager), Emily Cutillo, Josephine Villanti Secretary to Publisher: Augusta Shearman Office Manager: Olive Sherban ly by SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC.. hi I shed b ': 510 Tudison Ave.'.' New" York Mirny Mill 8 2772. Chicago 01 161 E. Grand Ave.. Suite 110. Telephone: superior 7-9863 I. U» Angelei. hone: Hillside 8089. Printing (mice: 3110 Elm t coplei SOc. _ e.. New 1__ _ Ml-rray lllll 8 2772. Chlcigo Offlee: Sulle 110. Telephone: Superior 7-»*63 '■'is7 sunset Iloulevjrd. U» Angelei. Telephone: Hillside 8089. Printing i — Ave . llHltiniore 1 I. Mil. Subscription Printed In U. s \ Addreu ull rorreipondence ti SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC.