Sponsor (Jan-June 1952)

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/ CHECK WLS TODAY FOR News — stepped up by two giant political conventions coming up, by a lingering war situation — is more in demand than ever before! And in the WLS-blanketed Chicago-Midwest, that demand results in larger and larger WLS listening audiences— in two more news broadcasts added to the already fast-selling WLS schedule. Check today on availabilities adjacent to or within one or more of these WLS newcasts. Some are sold but you'll find a profitable opening for your product somewhere in these eight great sales opportunities: NEWS ON WLS AT 45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 7:45 A.M. 6:00 P.M. (and 9:45 P.M. en Saturdays) < 'OPfRATIOM GROCER \%t CLEAR CHANNEL Home of the NATIONAL Barn Da Al Tiffany 4 top men — Midwesttrained for Midwest listeners — deliver these eight daily newscasts on WLS. 890 KILOCYCLES. SO, 000 WATTS. ABC NETWORK REPRESENTED BY JOHN BLAIR \> & COMPANY WHEEEW m