Sponsor (Jan-June 1952)

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DIGEST FOR 1 1 FEBRUARY 1952 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 3 Villi/ oldest net sponsor sticks to radio, music Cities Service celebrates 25 years on air, has spent $18,000,000 during that time, got highly successful music shows Reps I Like rind Why TV's crazy quilt: facilities costs What are the hot issues this week? These department stores do top jobs on the air air is demonstrated by winners in Can 81,000,000 buy a big TV campaign? BlftM Clinics spark local showmanship SPONSOR INDEX: JILY-DECEMRER 1951 Small advertisers on TV A SPONSOR look-see into the successful use of TV by advertisers with limited budgets. How they do it. The results What every young timebuyer should know Should transcriptions be tagged on the air? SPONSOR survey reveals pro and con arguments on the tagging of 34 38 MEN, MONEY & MOTIVES 510 MADISON NEW AND RENEW MR. SPONSOR: E. RONZONI, JR. P. S. MR. SPONSOR ASKS TV COMMERCIALS ONLY ROUNDUP RAD.O RESULTS AGENCY PROFILE: EV MEADE WHAT'S NEW IN RESEARCH? SPONSOR SPEAKS COVER: Maintaining musical approach consistently, Cities Service will celebrate 25 continuous years on NBC on 18 February. Here (I. to r.J bandmaster Paul Lavalle, M. H. "Deac" Aylesworth (who landed Cities Service &' NBC client while president of the network and is now the same firm's air consultant), and veteran announcer Ford Bond. >er Gler Editor & President: Norman R. Gler Secretary-Treasurer: Elaine Executive Editor: Ben Bodec Managing Editor: Miles David Senior Editor: Charles Sinclair Department Editor: Fred Birnbaum Ass't Editors: Lila Lederman, Richard A. Jackson Contributing Editors: Robert J. Landry. Bob Foreman Art Director: Si Frankel Photographer: Jean Raeburn Vice-PresidentAdvertising: Norman Knight Advertising Department: Edwin D. Cooper (Western Manager), George Weiss (Traveling Representative, Chicago Office), John A. Kovchok (Production Manager), Cynthia Soley, John McCormack Vice-President Business Mgr.: Bernard Piatt Circulation Department: Evelyn Sarz (Subiager), Emily Cutillo. Joseph > Vill,-, Reader . Davis Secretary to Publisher: Augusta Shearman Office Manager: Olive Sherban Published biweekly hy SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC.. I, inr, I .till) TV. Kve.ulivc. K.lilorial. Circulation ind VdvetUsniE om.-.-s: .'.111 Madison Ave.. New York 22. N. V. Tele I,.. MI rray ll.ll 8-2772. Chicago Office: 161 E. Grand \ ve. . Suite 1 in Telephone SI |.erior 7-9883. West ('nasi Ofttee: HIIS7 Sunset Iioulevard. Lo« Angelea. Tele, ne Hillside Siisu Printing Office: 3110 Elm Ave.. Baltimore 11. Mil. Subscriptions: United Statu Primed in' I: S. A. Address all curreauomlenc* to 5U Mii.ll-i.n AvMit.c New York 22. N Y. C.myright 1952. SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC.