Sponsor (Jan-June 1953)

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This is McCrary Auto Service, Inc. This is what Mr. Carl McCrary says "We have .sponsored Fulton Lewis, Jr., since JJTPNF (Brevard, N. C.) went on the air. The program has been satisfactory in every iray. It has given us a lot of publicity, and we"re happy to say that we are well satisfied. It is our intention to continue to sponsor Fulton Lewis, Jr., indefinitely." This is Fulton Lewis, Jr. whose 5-times-a-week program is available to local advertisers at local time cost plus low pro-rated talent cost. Currently sponsored on 372 stations by more than 750 advertisers (among them 64 automotive firms), the program oilers a tested means of reaching customers and prospects. For availabilities, check your Mutual outlet — or the Co-operative Program Department, Mutual Broadcasting System, IttO Broadway, NYC 18 (or Tribune Tower, ( 'hicago 11). commercial reviews -,.,.. TELEVISION si'iiNsdii: Procter & Gamble: Cheer AGENCY: Young & Rubicam, N.Y.C. program : Announcements producer: Screen Gems Cheer is "blue magic" and anyone who doesn't know it these days is either deaf or lives in the comparative safety of a nonTV, non-radio area (if such there be) . This state of affairs, which in advertising terms can only be considered a tribute to the techniques and persistence of the Cheer-leaders, is achieved in main by a rather raucous echo chamber effect which bellows the words — each with a slightly different pitch and degree of echo, thus compounding the annoyance value while doubling, it must be admitted, the effectiveness of the gimmick. To help the audio, as if this were needed, an optical zoom from the key-words on the package is effected. The remaining footage shows washingwomen examining wash, gazing into a (very fine!) view of an open washing machine heaped with white, churning suds. The basic idea in this product, adroitly planted there by the manufacturer, is the color and it is this virtue which is wisely exploited to the fullest. sponsor: 4Way Cold Tablets AGENCY: Harry B. Cohen Advertising Co., Inc., N.Y.C. program : Chainbreaks producer: Film Graphics, Inc. If the relief in the product is as fast as the sound track on this chainbreak, the common cold is doomed forever. In attempting to depict speed, 4-Way Cold Tablets have digressed to the irrelevant by showing quick cuts of a toboggan, a speedboat in flight, plus a few other hasty items — all in just a couple of seconds. While the pictures scurry along, the announcer rushes by at breakneck speed and comes out slightly ahead. Unfortunately, he is talking about colds while the video shows the aforementioned irrelevancies, so with audio and video at odds, the viewer is a bir confused. The four advantages (ways) of the product zoom up in rapid but effective succession at the close of the spot to register as well as anything could in so cluttered and so frantic a 20-second announcement. There's enough material in this chainbreak, I'd say, for a full minute. 60 SPONSOR